Asthma and Allergy
Asthma and Allergy It’s Cause and Prevention
In practise we see common allergic and asthma cases in clinic more frequently, parents of children
and adult patient have whole lot of query as to
- What food should be avoided in asthma?
- What food can cure asthma?
- What triggers asthma?
- Which fruits are bad for asthma?
- What foods aggravate asthma?
- What are the most common allergies?
- Can you live with asthma without an inhaler?
- Is exercise good for asthma?
- Is cheese bad for asthma?
- Is asthma worse in winter?
- Why to my child get frequent attacks?
- What can trigger allergies?
- Do allergies come from Mom or Dad?
An allergy is an abnormal/hypersensitive reaction to certain substances termed all these substances are well tolerated by most people, but others may react adversely these agents. These individuals would be termed allergic to those substances.
Common allergens
- foods like eggs, fish, wheat, corn, artificial milk liquid and powder form, milk products, soya
preparations, nuts, peanut butter, chocolates, tomatoes, pork, citrus fruits, and coconut - certain drug like penicillin and sulpha;
- Pollen of some flowers; house dust; animal hair and feather Cockroaches, cats and dogs are
dominant sources of indoor allergens. - Children born into families with a history of allergy
- Children who consume animal milk in the first year of life are more prone to get allergic disorders Babies exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life are less prone to it
The symptoms of allergy are as follows
- Nose: itchy or running nose
- Skin: small reddish rashes which itch
- Digestive system: tingling in the mouth, swelling of lips, tongue, face and throat.
- Chest: Cough tightness in chest, wheezing and shortness of breath.
In asthma cases there is wheezing, breathing is faster than usual. When child breathes he sometimes to take the help of his neck muscles. The normal gap between two clavicles (collarbones) tends to dip during inspiration (breathing in). While breathing out, the child makes a musical hissing sound termed wheezing expiration (breathing out) is more prolonged than usual. The child finds it to breathe sitting up or wants a pillow or two on the lap to put his head for comfort. If the child has had eczema before or has had similar attacks before this episode or has a strong family history of allergy or was artificially fed (not breastfed), the diagnosis is more or less confirmed. It does not mean a breastfed child cannot get asthma. It is just that artificially fed children are at much higher risk. Thunderstorms can precipitate an attack in those who suffer from seasonal asthma to an increase in the amount of airborne pollen. Recent evidence also shows infants living near a highway are more
likely to have attacks of wheezing.
- Besides a familial tendency, passive smoking, allergy to certain foods, sudden exertion in the form of unaccustomed exercise or sports, anxiety or unresolved conflict at home or school, and respiratory infections may precipitate an attack.
However, sports should be encouraged. Children who get exercise-induced asthma are given medication for their asthma immediately before the activity.
House dust mixed with mites in the room in which the child sleeps should be specially taken care of. Keep cockroaches away.
The room should be kept scrupulously clean and have minimum furniture in it. Old books,
clothes blankets and musty bedding may trigger the attacks.Expose them to the sun frequently.
Make sure no dust remains on fans, in corners, behind or underneath the furniture or on curtains. Thin curtains, which can be washed frequently, are better than thick or heavy curtains.
Mop the room with a wet cloth rather than dust it. Avoid using wool blankets and carpets in the bedroom
Also avoid keeping stuffed toys and plants in the room. Hairy pets can also be a source of allergy. If your child has asthma, do consult your doctor before you get a pet.
If you have a vacuum cleaner, use it only while the child is away from home.
Let the child avoid all types of talcum powder, strong perfumes, scented soaps cold drinks, as well as sudden variations of temperature (for instance, entering a very cold air conditioned room from outside where the temperature was very hash), sudden exertion and foods that he is allergic to (eg cold drinks, peanuts, packaged drinks and wafers etc.)
To find out whether a child is allergic to the foods listed above, first introduce an item into the diet when he is perfectly well. Watch for a week. If the child remains well (without medication), he is probably not allergic to that item of food.
Avoid offering any suspicious item for 6 months and then try again. If the child reacts severely to any food, do not offer it for at least a year.
Bananas are often blamed for bringing on attacks of cold and asthma. This is probably not true. If the child who is given a banana gets an attack on certain occasions and not on others, he is probably not allergic to it. A banana, especially when given on an empty stomach at least half an hour to one hour before meals is a healthy fruit and should not be easily discarded from the child’s diet.
Finally I understand the concern and anxiety as a parents, do not overact if your child gets an
attack of asthma. You may pass your anxiety on to child and so worsen the attack.
The good news about asthma is that if the attacks start in early childhood, they are more likely to disappear with age. Also, in children without a history of heredity and other factors mentioned above, and in whom the attacks always start with a viral cold rather than coming up suddenly, the diagnosis of asthma should never be made in a hurry. Such children may temporarily react to a cold with a wheeze but may not have asthma. Half the children with definite attacks of asthma are likely to be free of symptoms within 10 to 20 years. However, recurrences are known in adulthood. Also, those who have severe attacks in early childhood are more often found to continue getting attacks in adulthood.
Homeopathy has a huge potential to tackle this illness. It is arguably the only therapy with no negative side effects or after effects. It not only addresses the symptom, the disease, the cause thereof but the whole totality of the patient. It touches not only the body, the function of the body, the mind but also the aura of the spirit which animates the entire individuality.
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