Category: Covid 19

The second wave of coronavirus management

It has been now more than a year since coronavirus has intruded in our life. if we trace from beginning till date covid -19, a pandemic can be overwhelming. Yet the virus is still racing toward the second wave. The virus has got into everything. We have cases of physical abuse, marital discord, parental loss of income, loss of a dear and loved ones. We have experienced many varied form challenges.


Now that we are at the start of the second wave of infection, believe me, what we are seeing in clinical practice, the mode of the infection is very notorious what it was a year back. In practice, we frequently encountered on average 8-10 cases per day with case history, which are highly suggestive of covid infection. Blame it on the frivolous attitude of us in the recent past, the immune to fear factor towards covid or our complacency behavior.


The fact is, we are still in the midst of a struggle with the virus. We are yet to make peace with the virus. We are yet to maintain all precautions, whether you are vaccinated or not, whether you have got infected with the virus in the recent past, maintaining all precautions as a given guideline by our healthcare system is paramount to avoid the spread.

Based on our clinical exposure since following last year, related to coronavirus, We have attended many hundreds of cases, which were ranging from preventive care, asymptomatic positive cases, mild to moderate positive cases, and few severe cases. Which were managed majority exclusively with homeopathic medicine with the excellent prognostic result and few cases wherein both modern and Homeopathic medicine were continued based on severity and functionality of cases.

We are extending our services further to carter such cases in the coming days, with our advanced understanding of protocols. We incorporated various tools and management measurements to access and deliver consistent services.

We designed various category to help accordingly

  • Preventive medicine
  • Asymptomatic cases with RTPCR positive
  • Mild to the moderate case  with RTPCR positive 

We designed methodology wherein regular monitoring of vitals, dispensing of medicine, assessment of any red flag symptoms and to convey accordingly to seek a higher center for management.

We passionately await to help you, whatever best we can offer through our science.


Following is the link you can seek an appointment with us.