
Steps to solve your migraine

Are You experiencing throbbing head pain?
Your vision becomes distorted?
Do you feel numb and weak?
Do You feel nauseous?
Does your headache last for several hours or days?
Does your headache pain worsen due to bright lights or loud sounds?.

Migraines are a common problem for millions of people worldwide. Yet without a proper diagnosis, migraines may go untreated. In this scenario, you may experience migraine attacks that make it tough to work, go to school or perform various everyday tasks, with loss of productivity.

A recent study published in The Journal of Headache and Pain highlights migraine pain’s short- and long-term impact. Notable results from the study of 11,266 migraine patients included:

  • 87 percent of survey respondents said migraines impacted their professional, private, and social lives.
  • 85 percent reported experiencing negative consequences associated with living with migraines, including feelings of hopelessness and depression.
  • 83 percent noted they had trouble sleeping due to migraines.

Migraines are problematic, but they are treatable. However, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment to address all migraines, at all times. 10 people with migraine having the same symptoms may have a different cause. So it is important to understand what is causing the head pain.

Migraine Medications in Modern Medicine: What Are They, and Are They Effective?

1. Preventative:- Preventative migraine medications help reduce migraine frequency, duration, intensity, and frequency.

  • Anticonvulsants: 
  • Antidepressants: 
  • Beta-Blockers: 
  • Calcium-Channel Blockers:
  • Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Inhibitors

2. Abortive:- Abortive migraine medications may be taken during the early stages of a migraine to prevent a migraine attack from getting out of hand. If a person feels physical migraine symptoms that he or she believes may result in a full-blown migraine, this individual can use an abortive medication to address the migraine attack.

3. Rescue:- Rescue migraine medications can be taken at any point during a migraine attack to reduce migraine symptoms. 

There is no guarantee that preventative, abortive, or rescue medications will help a migraine sufferer achieve his or her desired results even with the latest development of botox injection, and in some chronic cases migraine surgery

All though there is various development in modern medical science of various medications, and surgery to assist in pain of the headache. The concern is that the above approaches are there to either avoid the pain, decrease the frequency of pain, or just manage the condition.

It’s basically treated abortive therapy, which is when you get an attack, you treat that attack. For people who get them more frequently, it’s about trying preventive therapies. There’s no way to actually figure it out..  try this, try that, try this, and I can’t tell you how many patients I’ve seen that have been through the whole mill of these medications. It might help a little, but it might not help permanently

Our protocol:-

You may have a certain type of headache with certain types of symptoms like light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, maybe on one side, maybe visual pre-aura symptoms, nausea, and vomiting.

These are just typical things. Okay, you have a migraine, and then we divide it into classical migraine and this migraine, and they’re all just different ways of describing the kind of migraine. But none of them tell you the cause. 

I would like to highlight another perspective to help in case of head pain based on my experience of a similar case. where we try to understand, the causative factor, and maintenance cause ( past illness, emotional, physical stress).

Although different patients may show the more or less same symptoms. But understanding the causative factor and given appropriate measures, have shown significate cures in head pain cases.

  • Understanding trigger factors in food, which can trigger migraine.
  • Impact of stress, the impact of stress is different on people, some can handle it relatively well, and others can show full-blown symptoms of migraine.
  • Sleep cycle:- improper or  less sleep 
  • In females imbalance of hormones ( Premenstrual migraine), imbalance of estrogen and progesterone.
  •  Nutritional deficiencies like :- Magnesium, B2, B6 & Co-10
  • Impact of drug/substance abuse:- example rebound head pain in case of long-standing pain killer, the person used to alcohol, coffee, etc 
  • Understanding the allergies in food that trigger the migraine:- peanut, egg, dairy, gluten, etc 
  • Understanding  your gut health:- leaky gut, gut bacteria

There may be up to 29 different factors that can drive a migraine, and traditional medicine uses a one-size-fits-all approach. Just because you know the name of your disease, it doesn’t mean you know what’s wrong with you.

We have designed a special protocol where we as a medical detectives try to find out precise causative factors in your case, it may be nutrient deficiencies, leaky gut, your coping mechanism of stress, hormonal imbalance, food allergy, etc, 

Maybe you have 1-2 causative or all above mentioned as the cause of your chronic head pain, it is here, that we got to figure out what are the factors that are driving that person’s unique presentation of their migraines and try a to-do evaluation of causative factor so that an individualistic prescription of homeopathic medicine with lifestyle and diet management is ascertained to make the lasting cure in head pain and migraine.

As no two migraine patients are the same, treatment depends solely on understanding the person having a headache…as the saying goes Treat the person, not the disease.

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