The root causes and solutions for women’s Hormonal imbalance

Sound familiar you are not alone, this is the common symptom mentioned by many, caused by hormonal imbalance.
Hormone imbalances are epidemic these days. For example, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), like mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, fluid retention, bloating, breast tenderness, sugar cravings, headaches, and sleep disturbances, affect 75 percent of women.
And this isn’t just something you need to worry about when you’re 40 or 50 or 60. Imbalances in our hormones can occur in our twenties and thirties.
How hormone work
Consider your hormones like a symphony, conducted by the endocrine system, which is made up of a number of glands and organs. These include the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, ovaries (in females), and testes (in males). They may seem unrelated, but they communicate and work together, the way different instruments make up an orchestra.
Your glands control important physiological functions by releasing powerful chemical messengers (hormones) into the blood. The word ‘hormone’ comes from the Greek word hormon, meaning ‘set in motion, and that’s precisely what your hormones do: they trigger activity in different organs and body parts.
Now there are many hormones at work in your body, but there are seven key players that I want you to be familiar with. They are oestrogen, progesterone, cortisol, androgen, thyroid, and insulin. No hormone works in isolation; they work in synergy and, ideally, in balance.
Produced mainly in the ovaries but also by the adrenal glands in the fat tissues, and by the placenta during pregnancy, oestrogen is the hormone that defines the female

It is produced in large amounts in the ovaries during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, in the placenta during pregnancy, and in the adrenal glands in small amounts throughout life.

Cortisol, often known as the ‘stress hormone’, originates from the adrenal glands – small but mighty glands that sit above the kidneys. It’s one of the hormones that we tend to produce more of as we age.
Causes of Imbalance:-
A number of factors can dysregulate normal cortisol levels, including depression, a poor diet, and modern-day stressful lifestyles.
In prehistoric times, stress came mostly in the form of threats to our survival. Our bodies evolved to cope via a ‘fight-or-flight’ response, preparing us for immediate activity. The body shuts down everything that is not important at that moment (like digestion and secretion of sex hormones). This energy burst is short-lived: we either run for our life or fight for our life. Then, once the threat and stress are over our bodies should have a chance to rest and go back to normal.
Ideally, this stress response would be activated only when actually necessary- an acute

- Androgens are produced in the ovaries, adrenal glands, and fat cells.
- Androgens play a key role in the hormonal cascade that kick-starts puberty, stimulating hair growth in the pubic and underarm areas

Insulin is created in the body to help regulate our blood sugar levels. Our body has very efficient self-regulating mechanisms, the main one being insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas in response to glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin is essential for regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism; it takes the glucose from our blood and transports it into our cells so that it can be burned for energy, allowing blood sugar to return to its normal level. It prevents our blood sugar from getting too high, causing hyperglycemia, which can prove fatal.
Causes of Imbalance
- Eating too many processed, sugary and refined carb foods.
- Eating or drinking stimulants like caffeine or fizzy drinks
- Stress
- skipping meals
- Excessive weight
- Hormonal conditions
- Sedentary lifestyle or inactivity
- Toxins in the environment
- smoking
- inflammation
- The rapid fluctuation from hypoglycemia to hyperglycemia is observed
- Low mood, tired easily, agitated
The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. It produces thyroid hormones called thyroxine (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroid hormones:
- Stimulate different metabolic functions in the cells
- Help us grow thick hair on our head
- Give us energy
- Regulate temperature
- Help with ideal weight maintenance
Thyroid hormones can affect:
- Menstrual cycle
- Pregnancy
- Skin hydration
- Brain development
- Cholesterol levels
- Digestion
- Memory
- Concentration
- Blood-sugar balance
for more understanding of thyroid hormone, you can click here
Our approach:- Homeopathic Hormone Restorative Treatment (HHRT)
- Instead of immediately resorting to a hormone replacement (which might be your conventional doctor’s first line of treatment), we need to figure out the “why” – what is causing the symptoms
- In other words, we figure out what creates these imbalances – and treat the underlying problem.: we treat the underlying cause(s), create balance, and symptoms get better.
- Balancing:- a structured approach to assist the hormone-producing gland to create a harmonious function by balancing the insulin hormone.
- Nourishing:- for optimal functioning the hormone needs a constant supply of nutrition
- Nurture:- we access the major stress area which is creating too much cortisol
- Cleanse:- Identifying and removing toxins that may be altering the functioning of the hormone
- Move:- Customized basic routine of exercise is planned so has to keep hormone function in balance.
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