
Fever In Children ..Things To Do

Fever in children is Something every parent Observes in their Child, Some child may Experience recurrent History of Fever, Some Child may have Seasonal fever. Some may have long History of Fever


Doctor takes into account in understand the patterns, evolution and associated complaints in fever,  As said, It is the root cause of fever which Need to be addressed rather than only suppressive measure to get rid of fever


Fever is a protective defense mechanism the body employs to fight infection. Fever is manifestation of illness, But Not an illness itself.


Fever as protective mechanism

  • Most cases in the fever body’s own immune become stimulated, whereby there is production of natural antibodies.
  • Fever let’s to restrict the proliferation of infection.


When to get cautious

  • In some cases of persistent high fever it may lead to dehydration.
  • Fever with hallucination/disorientation
  • In some cases children with high fever may lead to febrile convulsions, although convulsion is short-lasting & no future recurrence of convulsion noted.


Point to Implement

  • In case of sudden high fever greater than 104 Fahrenheit degree, colling with tap water or sponge bath.
  • Mercury thermometer or electronic thermometer both are fairly acceptable measurement devices.
  • Normal body temperature is one degree higher in the evening compared to the morning.
  • It is important to note the degree of fever at the onset of illness, its rhythm behavior of child during the fever and during the inter febrile period.
  • If there is a particular change in terms of his desire in food, water sleep patterns to be noted.
  • Is the fever associated with chills/rigor or perspiration.
  • What are the associated complaints with the fever such as any cough, loose motion, nasal discharge, throat pain, body pain, etc to be noted.
  • Watch for urine output.
  • Antipyretics should not be used to suppress the fever but to prevent the fever from rising to a dangerously high level.
  • In our practice, we do not recommend using antipyretics still >102-degree Fahrenheit, if the child does not complain of anything in fever.
  • It is not ideal to accept fever to go down normally, has a fever have some beneficial effect we need the body’s defense mechanism to fight infection
  • Report doctors with an accurate history of fever with a detailed record of temperature jotted on paper every one to two hours for initially three-four days at start of fever
  • This data would be of extreme help to doctors in asserting the diagnosis and management.
  • In my homeopathic practice, the management of fever in children has played a great role in enhancing their immunity. The relapse of recurrent illness fever has reduced drastically. Fever cases are managed effectively in homeopathy.
  • My experience is that the more the acute febrile episode is managed well with homeopathy, child’s immunity is more enhanced and their relapse can be avoided effectively.

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