
Recurrent red hives (urticaria)

Do you have a recurrent history of red swollen/raised-like eruption with itching and burning pain that appears suddenly lasting from a few hours to days/months? 


You may have hives or termed as urticaria.


Urticaria is known to affect up to 20 percent of the population and strikes people irrespective of age, race, or gender.


Hives most often appear in the evening or early morning just after waking. Itching is typically worse at night, often interfering with sleep.



  1. Hives can occur when too much histamine is released in the body by the immune system in response to allergens. Histamines are chemicals your body produces in an attempt to defend itself against infection and other outside intruders. Unfortunately, in some people, histamines can cause swelling, itching, and many of the symptoms that are experienced with hives. 
  2. Common allergen 
  • Dust
  • Food allergen:- 
  • Stress
  • Drug allergy
  • Insect bite
  • Sunlight

Types of hives

  1. Acute /allergic reaction:- episode occurring of less than six weeks. The most common causes of hives are allergic reactions. These can be caused by any allergen you might be sensitive to, including foods (such as nuts, milk, and eggs), pet dander, pollen, dust mites, insect bites, or stings, medications (primarily antibiotics, cancer drugs, and ibuprofen)


  1. Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. In this condition, hives are often accompanied by breathing difficulties, nausea or vomiting, severe swelling, and dizziness. This type of case needs immediate attention/hospitalization.
  2. Chronic hive:- This is the case in which urticaria is from more than six weeks of time and is of recurring nature, due consideration should be given to rule out following underlying pathology.
  • celiac disease

  • lupus
  • type 1 diabetes
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • thyroid disease
  1. Dermatographism:- these are the cases wherein general scratching/stroking on the skin creates a red hive-like eruption. 
  2. Temperature-induced hives Sometimes change in temperature can induce hives in people who are sensitive to such changes. Cold-induced hives may occur from cold water or air exposure, while body heat from physical activity may cause exercise-induced hives. Exposure to sunlight or tanning beds may also bring about solar hives in some people.
  3. Infection-induced hives Both viral and bacterial can cause hives. Common bacterial infections causing hives include urinary tract infections and streptococcal throat. Viruses that cause infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, and colds often cause hives.
  4. Angioedema:- In this type of case swelling happens under the skin, seen around the eye & lips occasionally genitals, hands, and feet.



  • Identifying the cause and possible refrain and avoid consuming such food/ allergens.
  • Avoid using steroids in such cases, steroid-dependent cases take a little longer to heal in the long run.
  • Although urticaria manifestation is visible on the skin, the problem is the system disorder( immune system), which needs to address deeper error. Addressing the local issue will only give temporary results, with recurrence on withdrawal of medicine.
  • Homeopathy plays a crucial role to address the cure from the root cause. Rather than just suppressing outward manifestation of symptoms.
  • Homeopathic treatment for urticaria is more beneficial because, with conventional medicines, there are chances of long-term dependency on anti-allergic medicines. While Homoeopathic treatment involves analyzing complete and detailed information from the patient to select the right constitutional medicine for providing marked improvement with long-term relief.
  • Homeopathic medicines reduce both the intensity and frequency of attacks of urticaria and help in improving the quality of life of patients. Individualized homeopathic treatment is associated with significant alleviation of urticaria symptoms, thus also leading to a reduction in the use of conventional anti-allergic medication.


Can I prevent hives? 

If you know what triggers your hives, you may be able to prevent an outbreak by avoiding certain situations or making small changes to your diet.

If you’re not sure what triggers your hives, you may find it helpful to try:

  • Keeping a food diary — to help you identify and keep track of foods that might trigger your condition. Peanuts, eggs, or shellfish can be triggers for some people
  • Wearing loose, light clothing — if heat or physical pressure trigger your hives
  • Avoiding excessive heat, spicy foods, or intense physical exercise — if getting hot or sweating makes you break out in hives
  • Avoiding aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications — these medications can make hives worse, or trigger an outbreak if you are sensitive to them
  • Avoiding alcohol — can trigger an immune response that causes hives in some people

It’s important to remember that you won’t be able to prevent all cases of hives, but the prevention above may help provide relief if they do occur.

 A common question asked by the patient in the clinic


Are urticaria hives contagious?

Urticaria hives aren’t contagious, meaning you won’t develop them on your skin by touching hives on another person. However, the trigger that causes this skin reaction can be contagious.

How is urticaria diagnosed?

Diagnosis is typically reached using the patient’s history along with a physical examination. Laboratory workup is based on clinical suspicion and is used to exclude underlying causes, although most cases constitute unknown or spontaneous causes.


Are the hives and urticaria the same?

Yes, urticaria is the medical terminology name for hives.


Urticaria how long does it last?

In acute cases, it all depends upon the causative /trigger factor, the earlier we remove or stop it the episode of recurrence if ints intensity and frequency may stop.

Chronic hives last a longer time. Most often more than 50% of the time it is autoimmune. The analyzing of homeopathic constitutional medicine and continuing for six months to two years have shown a considerable decrease in its frequency and intensity with complete remission of symptoms.


Why urticaria occurs at the night?

Urticaria can be triggered at any time, there is no time preference noted as such.

Another reason may be possible that you are exposing yourself to the irritant causing the hives more in the evening, resulting in a more severe reaction/renewed reaction.


What is cholinergic urticaria?

Cholinergic urticaria is a type of hives brought on by raised body temperature. It typically develops when you exercise or sweat. More often than not, Cholinergic urticaria appears and disappears on its own within a few hours.

The second wave of coronavirus management

It has been now more than a year since coronavirus has intruded in our life. if we trace from beginning till date covid -19, a pandemic can be overwhelming. Yet the virus is still racing toward the second wave. The virus has got into everything. We have cases of physical abuse, marital discord, parental loss of income, loss of a dear and loved ones. We have experienced many varied form challenges.


Now that we are at the start of the second wave of infection, believe me, what we are seeing in clinical practice, the mode of the infection is very notorious what it was a year back. In practice, we frequently encountered on average 8-10 cases per day with case history, which are highly suggestive of covid infection. Blame it on the frivolous attitude of us in the recent past, the immune to fear factor towards covid or our complacency behavior.


The fact is, we are still in the midst of a struggle with the virus. We are yet to make peace with the virus. We are yet to maintain all precautions, whether you are vaccinated or not, whether you have got infected with the virus in the recent past, maintaining all precautions as a given guideline by our healthcare system is paramount to avoid the spread.

Based on our clinical exposure since following last year, related to coronavirus, We have attended many hundreds of cases, which were ranging from preventive care, asymptomatic positive cases, mild to moderate positive cases, and few severe cases. Which were managed majority exclusively with homeopathic medicine with the excellent prognostic result and few cases wherein both modern and Homeopathic medicine were continued based on severity and functionality of cases.

We are extending our services further to carter such cases in the coming days, with our advanced understanding of protocols. We incorporated various tools and management measurements to access and deliver consistent services.

We designed various category to help accordingly

  • Preventive medicine
  • Asymptomatic cases with RTPCR positive
  • Mild to the moderate case  with RTPCR positive 

We designed methodology wherein regular monitoring of vitals, dispensing of medicine, assessment of any red flag symptoms and to convey accordingly to seek a higher center for management.

We passionately await to help you, whatever best we can offer through our science.


Following is the link you can seek an appointment with us.

Fever In Children ..Things To Do

Fever in children is Something every parent Observes in their Child, Some child may Experience recurrent History of Fever, Some Child may have Seasonal fever. Some may have long History of Fever


Doctor takes into account in understand the patterns, evolution and associated complaints in fever,  As said, It is the root cause of fever which Need to be addressed rather than only suppressive measure to get rid of fever


Fever is a protective defense mechanism the body employs to fight infection. Fever is manifestation of illness, But Not an illness itself.


Fever as protective mechanism

  • Most cases in the fever body’s own immune become stimulated, whereby there is production of natural antibodies.
  • Fever let’s to restrict the proliferation of infection.


When to get cautious

  • In some cases of persistent high fever it may lead to dehydration.
  • Fever with hallucination/disorientation
  • In some cases children with high fever may lead to febrile convulsions, although convulsion is short-lasting & no future recurrence of convulsion noted.


Point to Implement

  • In case of sudden high fever greater than 104 Fahrenheit degree, colling with tap water or sponge bath.
  • Mercury thermometer or electronic thermometer both are fairly acceptable measurement devices.
  • Normal body temperature is one degree higher in the evening compared to the morning.
  • It is important to note the degree of fever at the onset of illness, its rhythm behavior of child during the fever and during the inter febrile period.
  • If there is a particular change in terms of his desire in food, water sleep patterns to be noted.
  • Is the fever associated with chills/rigor or perspiration.
  • What are the associated complaints with the fever such as any cough, loose motion, nasal discharge, throat pain, body pain, etc to be noted.
  • Watch for urine output.
  • Antipyretics should not be used to suppress the fever but to prevent the fever from rising to a dangerously high level.
  • In our practice, we do not recommend using antipyretics still >102-degree Fahrenheit, if the child does not complain of anything in fever.
  • It is not ideal to accept fever to go down normally, has a fever have some beneficial effect we need the body’s defense mechanism to fight infection
  • Report doctors with an accurate history of fever with a detailed record of temperature jotted on paper every one to two hours for initially three-four days at start of fever
  • This data would be of extreme help to doctors in asserting the diagnosis and management.
  • In my homeopathic practice, the management of fever in children has played a great role in enhancing their immunity. The relapse of recurrent illness fever has reduced drastically. Fever cases are managed effectively in homeopathy.
  • My experience is that the more the acute febrile episode is managed well with homeopathy, child’s immunity is more enhanced and their relapse can be avoided effectively.

Don’t Hold Back Your Sleep Disorder

In today’s world of fast pace, looking after a family, job, relationship,  distraction of social media and other responsibility, what I have observed we easily compromise our sleep to balance another part. We don’t need research to tell us that sleep is critical for brain function, but there’s plenty of it out there. We’ve all experienced groggy feeling, poor decision making and memory loss after a night of little or no sleep. 

What happens when a person doesn’t get enough sleep?

Studies have shown a clear relationship between sleep, food consumption, weight regulation, and metabolism.

people, who habitually sleep less than six hours per night are more likely to have a higher-than-average body mas index (BMI)? Researchers believe that this is because our bodies secrete hormones while we sleep that control appetite, metabolism, and glucose processing. Lack of sleep can wreak serious havoc on your insulin levels, put you at higher risk for diabetes, anxiety, and depression and worsen your PCOS symptoms, especially if you sleep less than five hours per night.


What causes sleep disorders?


  • Lifestyle choices:- Sleep is often the first thing to be sacrificed when we are overcommitted.


  • Disease and/or medical conditions: Many diseases and conditions make it difficult to sleep, either because you cannot get comfortable and relax or because they literally wake you, as in the case of sleep apnea. Often these diseases are caused, in part by sleep deprivation. Diseases such as coronary disease allergies cough, asthma, some chronic pain, depression, women by sleep deprivation, creating an unhealthy cycle.


  • Sleep apnea: If you snore loudly and wake with a dry mouth, headaches, or shortness of breath, and if your partner observes that you stop breathing during sleep, you should be tested for sleep apnea, Sleep apnea will worsen your insulin resistance and glucose processing.


  • Medication: Sleep disruption is a common side effect of many popular medications. 


  • Melatonin imbalance: Melatonin is a powerful hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm, the cycle of waking, and Sleep Disruption in its levels often results in sleep deprivation or unhealthy sleep patterns.


  • Cortisol imbalance: Your cortisol levels should naturally rise and fall. Ideally, they peak around 8 a.m. and drop off between midnight and 4 a.m. If you wake between 1 and 3 a.m. it may be because of low adrenal function and cortisol or inadequate glycogen reserves in the liver.


  • Strive to sleep seven to eight hours per night. Six hours seems to be the minimum amount of sleep the average person needs per night to function and be healthy. More than eight and a half to nine hours can also create metabolic issues. Here are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep


Measures to take for proper sleep 


  • Eat the right foods. Choose foods that promote sleep (potassium-rich fruit, dark leafy greens, turkey, whole grains), and avoid sleep-interfering foods (anything high in fat or sugar even natural sugars like berries). If blood sugar drops below 50 mg/dL at night, it can increase levels of adrenaline, glucagon, cortisol, and growth hormone, all of which can stimulate the brain. Eating a big meal before sleep is not a good idea either. Your body will be too busy digesting to focus on the restorative aspects of sleep, like detoxifying, regenerating cells, and reviving. If you must eat before bed, the best snacks contain both carbohydrates and protein. Legumes, nuts, and seeds are all good choices.
  • Support your adrenal glands. Although cortisol helps your body to adjust to perceived emergencies, chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, a cortisol imbalance, and sleeplessness. Take steps to manage your stress during the day. Experiment with relaxation techniques, yoga, and daily movement.
  • Supplement with magnesium. Magnesium is the “relaxation mineral.” Leafy green veggies, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, black beans, and almonds are all good sources of magnesium. You can also choose a high-quality supplement or take an Epsom-salt bath. Adequate magnesium doesn’t guarantee a good night’s sleep, but lack of magnesium will literally keep you up at night.
  • Boost your melatonin. Melatonin must have darkness to trigger activation (even if it is supplemented). Turn off lights and pull light-blocking shades. Turn off electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Practice a sleep ritual. A sleep ritual is a crucial element for ensuring a good night’s sleep. Relax your body and mind for 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime to signal your body that it is time to sleep. It gives your mind time to settle so it isn’t racing and making “to-do lists” and helps your muscles to let go of the stress of the day. Try to go to bed at the same time each night. Turn off electronics at least an hour before bed, and practice letting the stresses of the day melt away. Repeat the same steps every night before bed, and your body will begin to go to sleep.
  • Cut back (or cut out) caffeine, stimulants, and sugar, especially after lunch. Don’t consume caffeine four to six hours before bed. This includes dark chocolate!
  • Avoid alcohol. Don’t drink alcohol for several hours before sleep. If you have a glass of wine to help you sleep, it will initially act as a sedative, but it disrupts REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, and you’ll wake up in the middle of the night when the alcohol is being metabolized.


  • Seek treatment if you have an underlying medical condition. A health-care professional can help you resolve sleep apnea, depression, or anxiety.

Conclusion:- sleep disorder is not deadly, but not taken due care it may lead to chronic diseases in long run with decreased productivity. In homeopathy, we take into detail understanding of root cause in case understanding and try to resolve it from within its source in order to avoid any further complication in the most sustainable and non-addictive medicine.

Is speech delay in a child is bothering you ?

In typical 12 months, a baby’s first words usually appear, and by 18 months to 2 years, children use around 50 words and will start putting two words together into a short sentence, By age 3, their vocabulary increases to about 1,000 words, and they are speaking in three- and four-word sentences.

If your toddler hasn’t met those milestones, they may have a speech delay. Developmental milestones help track your child’s progress, but they are just general guidelines. Children develop at their own rate. Just need to ASK these simple 2 questions,

1) Does the child hear normally?

2) Does the child answers the simple questions in different ways? Eg by pointing, or gesturing.

And if the answer to both of these questions is in the affirmative then your child could start speaking in a couple of months, it can be, just the child is among those late bloomers who are preparing to launch with boom!! 

A speech delay can also be due to hearing loss or underlying neurological or developmental disorder.

Tracking speech development milestone

In 1-3months Speech and language skills begin with cooing and crying.

At 4-6 months the baby sigh, grunt, gurgles, squeal, laugh and make different crying sounds. By 12 months, the baby’s first word usually appears. 

By 2 yrs of age, children know about 50 words and they start putting two words together and make small sentences.

A typical 3-year-old can, use about 1,000 words, call themselves by name, call others by name, ask questions, tell a story, repeat a nursery rhyme, sing a song

A speech delay is when a toddler hasn’t met typical speech milestones. Children progress on their timeline. Being a little late with conversation doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a serious problem.

Signs of a speech delay

If a baby isn’t cooing or making other sounds at 2 months, it could be the earliest sign of a speech delay. By 18 months, most babies can use simple words like “mama” or “dada.” Signs of a speech delay in older toddlers are:

  • Age 2: doesn’t use at least 25 words
  • Age 2 1/2: doesn’t use unique two-word phrases 
  • Age 3: doesn’t use at least 200 words, doesn’t ask for things by name, hard to understand even if you live with them
  • Any age: unable to say previously learned words

Language delay is different from speech delay?

Although the two are often difficult to tell apart — and frequently referred to together — there are some differences between a speech and language delay.

Speech is the physical act of producing sounds and saying words. A toddler with a speech delay may try but have trouble forming the correct sounds to make words. A speech delay doesn’t involve comprehension or nonverbal communication.

In language delay, there are issues with understanding and communicating, both verbally and nonverbally. A child with a language delay may make the correct sounds and pronounce some words, but they can’t form phrases or sentences that make sense. They may have difficulty understanding others.

Children can have a speech delay or a language delay, but the two conditions sometimes overlap.

If you don’t know which one your child may have, don’t worry. It’s not necessary to make a distinction to have an evaluation and start treatment.

On other side the speech delay

What is the cause of speech delay?

A speech delay is when a toddler hasn’t met typical speech milestones. Children progress on their timeline. Being a little late with conversation doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a serious problem.

But speech delays can also tell something about overall physical and intellectual development. Here are some examples.

Problems with the mouth

A speech delay can indicate an issue with the mouth, tongue, or palate. In a condition called tongue-tie, the tongue is connected to the floor of the mouth. This can make it difficult to create certain sounds.

Speech and language disorders

A 3-year-old who can comprehend and nonverbally communicate but can’t say many words may have a speech delay. One who can say a few words but can’t put them into understandable phrases may have a language delay.

Some speech and language disorders involve brain function and may be indicative of a learning disability. One cause of speech, language and other developmental delays is premature birth.

Childhood apraxia of speech is a physical disorder that makes it hard to form sounds in the right sequence to form words. It doesn’t affect nonverbal communication or language comprehension.

Hearing loss

A toddler who can’t hear well, or hears distorted speech, is likely to have difficulty forming words. One sign of it is that your child doesn’t identify a person or object when you name them but does if you use gestures.

However, signs of hearing loss may be very subtle. Sometimes a speech or language delay may be the only noticeable sign.

Lack of stimulation

We learn to speak to get in on the conversation. It is difficult to speek if no body is communicating with you.

Home Environment plays an important role role in speech and language development. Abuse, neglect, or lack of verbal stimulation can keep a child from reaching developmental milestones.

Autism spectrum disorder

Speech problems are many a times seen with an autism spectrum disorder. And its Other signs may include:

  • Repeating sentences or words(echolalia)  instead of creating phrases
  • repetitive behaviors
  • impaired verbal and nonverbal communication
  • impaired social interaction
  • speech and language regression

Neurological problems

Certain neurological disorders can affect muscles necessary for speech. These include:

  • Cerebral palsy 
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Brain injury

In the case of cerebral palsy, hearing loss or other developmental disabilities can also affect speech.

Intellectual disabilities

Speech can be delayed due to an intellectual disability. If your child isn’t speaking, it may be a cognitive issue rather than an inability to form words.

Homeopathic treatment for speech disorder in children.

Types of speech disorder include stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria. There are many possible causes of speech disorders, including muscles weakness, brain injuries, degenerative diseases, autism, and hearing loss.

Speech disorders can affect a person’s self-esteem and their overall quality of life. Homeopathic medicines aim at a child’s symptoms individually and in a holistic manner, the homeopathic doctor assesses the level and quality of the child’s symptoms, analyses them and prescribes medicine accordingly. Speech therapy along with homeopathic treatment, can help improve speech and reduce symptoms.

Itchy Dry Skin

Itchy Dry Skin Psoriasis or Eczema? How to Differentiate?

Do you have itchy skin with red eruption dry hard skin, that won’t go away? If yes, you may have eczema or psoriasis. While psoriasis and eczema can look similar, it’s important to know the difference. They have different causes and can have different treatments. It’s usually best to have a healthcare provider help you with your skin problems, but there are some ways to tell the difference between psoriasis and eczema on your own.

What are basic difference?
Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated disease. That means your immune system becomes dysfunctional and chronically activated, resulting in skin changes. It causes raised, red, scaly patches on your skin or scalp There are multiple subtypes of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is the most common and accounts for nearly 80-90 percent of psoriasis cases. People with plaque psoriasis typically have sharply demarcated, raised, itchy, painful red plaques covered with silvery scales. The plaques are most often found on elbows and knees, but they can occur anywhere.
Eczema is an inflammation of the skin that can have numerous triggers. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It typically occurs in people with a personal or family history of asthma, hay fever or other allergies, and it is often seen In children It makes skin more sensitive and more prone to infection. At any time in your life, you can develop eczema from dry skin or chemicals that contact the skin and trigger irritation or allergic reaction


When do psoriasis and eczema usually appear? 
Psoriasis usually appears between the ages of 16 and 22, but it can happen at any age. Eczema usually begins younger, appearing as early as 6 months of age. Although some people grow out of eczema, many people continue to have it throughout their life. Even if you have eczema for a long time, there may be periods when it gets better or worse.

What do psoriasis and eczema look like?

Signs and symptoms of psoriasis
The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis appears as
thick, raised, red patches on the skin that are covered with white scales made of
old, dead skin cells. These plaques can be itchy and painful. They can also crack
and bleed.
Psoriasis can affect any part of the skin, but it usually shows up on the knees,
elbows, scalp, and lower back. Other forms of psoriasis can occur on the genitals
or in your skin folds, like in your armpits (known as inverse psoriasis). Psoriasis
can also just involve the hands and feet (known as palmoplantar psoriasis).

Up to 35% of people with psoriasis also have nail changes related to psoriasis. This

  • Small pits or holes in the nail
  • Yellow or brown nail color
  • Thickening of the nail
  • Changes to the nail shape

Signs and symptoms of eczema
Eczema appears as red, dry patches of skin that are very itchy. Some people with
eczema scratch these areas a lot, which can lead to bleeding and thick or leathery
skin. Unlike psoriasis, eczema can become infected with bacteria or viruses. Although eczema can affect any part of the skin, some areas are more common. In infants, eczema usually happens on the cheeks, elbows, and knees. In older children and adults, eczema usually affects the insides of the elbows, behind the knees, and the hands and wrists. Eczema is often associated with 2 other conditions: asthma and allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever). In a large study, researchers found that 1-year-old children with eczema were 7 times more likely to develop asthma and 12 times more likely to develop hay fever by the age of 3. Many also developed allergies to certain foods. Common ones include peanuts, milk, and eggs.


Are eczema and psoriasis contagious? And can they turn into each other?

These are 2 very common questions — and the answer to both is no. 

Eczema and psoriasis are definitely not contagious — you can’t “catch” either by touching it. And eczema and psoriasis are completely different skin diseases. Psoriasis cannot turn into eczema, and eczema cannot turn into psoriasis.


What happens if psoriasis is left untreated?
There are several other serious health problems that can be more likely if you have
psoriasis. Some of the more common issues include:

  • Psoriatic arthritis. It’s estimated that as many as 40% of people with
    psoriasis also have a joint disease called psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis
    is a chronic condition that can cause permanent joint damage if not treated.
    Psoriatic arthritis usually starts 10 to 20 years after the start of psoriasis.

Metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes. Up to half of all people with
psoriasis have metabolic syndrome, which includes conditions like heart disease
and high blood pressure. People with psoriasis are also more likely to have type 2
diabetes and be obese
Is Psoriasis caused by stress? Can emotional stress cause psoriasis?
Certainly not, they do can act as a triggers factor which can aggravated the skin

Final Conclusion
Not all skin rashes are psoriasis or eczema. Even between psoriasis and eczema, it can be hard to tell the difference. Always consult your doctor with questions about your diagnosis and treatment.

Asthma and Allergy

Asthma and Allergy It’s Cause and Prevention

In practise we see common allergic and asthma cases in clinic more frequently, parents of children
and adult patient have whole lot of query as to

  • What food should be avoided in asthma?
  • What food can cure asthma?
  • What triggers asthma?
  • Which fruits are bad for asthma?
  • What foods aggravate asthma?
  • What are the most common allergies?
  • Can you live with asthma without an inhaler?
  • Is exercise good for asthma?
  • Is cheese bad for asthma?
  • Is asthma worse in winter?
  • Why to my child get frequent attacks?
  • What can trigger allergies?
  • Do allergies come from Mom or Dad?

An allergy is an abnormal/hypersensitive reaction to certain substances termed all these substances are well tolerated by most people, but others may react adversely these agents. These individuals would be termed allergic to those substances.

Common allergens

  • foods like eggs, fish, wheat, corn, artificial milk liquid and powder form, milk products, soya
    preparations, nuts, peanut butter, chocolates, tomatoes, pork, citrus fruits, and coconut
  • certain drug like penicillin and sulpha;
  • Pollen of some flowers; house dust; animal hair and feather Cockroaches, cats and dogs are
    dominant sources of indoor allergens.
  • Children born into families with a history of allergy
  • Children who consume animal milk in the first year of life are more prone to get allergic disorders Babies exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life are less prone to it

The symptoms of allergy are as follows

  • Nose: itchy or running nose
  • Skin: small reddish rashes which itch
  • Digestive system: tingling in the mouth, swelling of lips, tongue, face and throat.
  • Chest: Cough tightness in chest, wheezing and shortness of breath.

In asthma cases there is wheezing, breathing is faster than usual. When child breathes he sometimes to take the help of his neck muscles. The normal gap between two clavicles (collarbones) tends to dip during inspiration (breathing in). While breathing out, the child makes a musical hissing sound termed wheezing expiration (breathing out) is more prolonged than usual. The child finds it to breathe sitting up or wants a pillow or two on the lap to put his head for comfort. If the child has had eczema before or has had similar attacks before this episode or has a strong family history of allergy or was artificially fed (not breastfed), the diagnosis is more or less confirmed. It does not mean a breastfed child cannot get asthma. It is just that artificially fed children are at much higher risk. Thunderstorms can precipitate an attack in those who suffer from seasonal asthma to an increase in the amount of airborne pollen. Recent evidence also shows infants living near a highway are more
likely to have attacks of wheezing.


  • Besides a familial tendency, passive smoking, allergy to certain foods, sudden exertion in the form of unaccustomed exercise or sports, anxiety or unresolved conflict at home or school, and respiratory infections may precipitate an attack.
  • However, sports should be encouraged. Children who get exercise-induced asthma are given medication for their asthma immediately before the activity.

  • House dust mixed with mites in the room in which the child sleeps should be specially taken care of. Keep cockroaches away.

  • The room should be kept scrupulously clean and have minimum furniture in it. Old books,
    clothes blankets and musty bedding may trigger the attacks.

  • Expose them to the sun frequently.

  • Make sure no dust remains on fans, in corners, behind or underneath the furniture or on curtains. Thin curtains, which can be washed frequently, are better than thick or heavy curtains.

  • Mop the room with a wet cloth rather than dust it. Avoid using wool blankets and carpets in the bedroom

  • Also avoid keeping stuffed toys and plants in the room. Hairy pets can also be a source of allergy. If your child has asthma, do consult your doctor before you get a pet.

  • If you have a vacuum cleaner, use it only while the child is away from home.

  • Let the child avoid all types of talcum powder, strong perfumes, scented soaps cold drinks, as well as sudden variations of temperature (for instance, entering a very cold air conditioned room from outside where the temperature was very hash), sudden exertion and foods that he is allergic to (eg cold drinks, peanuts, packaged drinks and wafers etc.)

  • To find out whether a child is allergic to the foods listed above, first introduce an item into the diet when he is perfectly well. Watch for a week. If the child remains well (without medication), he is probably not allergic to that item of food.

  • Avoid offering any suspicious item for 6 months and then try again. If the child reacts severely to any food, do not offer it for at least a year.

  • Bananas are often blamed for bringing on attacks of cold and asthma. This is probably not true. If the child who is given a banana gets an attack on certain occasions and not on others, he is probably not allergic to it. A banana, especially when given on an empty stomach at least half an hour to one hour before meals is a healthy fruit and should not be easily discarded from the child’s diet.

  • Finally I understand the concern and anxiety as a parents, do not overact if your child gets an
    attack of asthma. You may pass your anxiety on to child and so worsen the attack.

The good news about asthma is that if the attacks start in early childhood, they are more likely to disappear with age. Also, in children without a history of heredity and other factors mentioned above, and in whom the attacks always start with a viral cold rather than coming up suddenly, the diagnosis of asthma should never be made in a hurry. Such children may temporarily react to a cold with a wheeze but may not have asthma. Half the children with definite attacks of asthma are likely to be free of symptoms within 10 to 20 years. However, recurrences are known in adulthood. Also, those who have severe attacks in early childhood are more often found to continue getting attacks in adulthood.

Homeopathy has a huge potential to tackle this illness. It is arguably the only therapy with no negative side effects or after effects. It not only addresses the symptom, the disease, the cause thereof but the whole totality of the patient. It touches not only the body, the function of the body, the mind but also the aura of the spirit which animates the entire individuality.

Abdomen Pain

How ABDOMEN PAIN IN CHILDREN Could Make Anyone a Better Parent

Stomach pain and children both seem to go together.  “MY TUMMY
HURTS”, “MY STOMACH IS PAINING”.  As parents, we have
heard these sentences many times, but someday your child wakes
up in the middle of the night complaining of tummy pain. Do you
tend to ask “do you feel like vomiting”? “Do you have any loose
motions?” “Exactly where does it hurt?”

Now, what do you do?
Stomach pain is the most common complaint in children. And it can
be trivial to life-threatening requiring immediate medical attention. 

The common cause of abdomen pain in children are
1. Psychological factors
2. Food-related illness.
3. Medical cause
4. Surgical cause

1. Psychological factors

  • School going children often complain of recurrent pain, usually
    located around the navel. In most cases, the pain is not
    severe and the child does not complain about it if he is
    involved in doing something interesting.
  • It rarely wakes him up from his sleep.
  • He is perfectly all right in between the attacks, which may last
    for a few moments or longer, but rarely for more than half an
  • Be alert to see if there is any reason for the child to become
    emotionally upset. Is he being bullied in school? Is he afraid of
    his new teacher? Are the pending examinations causing him
    too much anxiety? Is the child upset because of a quarrel
    between e parents?
  • If the symptoms persist, take the advice of a doctor, who may
    even refer him to a family counsellor, psychologist or
  • Don’t upset the child by remarks like. You are just acting or
    “Do not try to fool us!. I believe that such children do get pain,
    the symptom is probably due to some, not yet fully understood
    mechanism that is related more to the mind rather than the
    body-possibly a subconscious way of attracting the parents?
    attention for more body contact.
  • Hence, the treatment lies in understanding the child, helping
    him with underlying emotional problems. if any, rather than
    being harsh towards him.


2. Food-related illness

  • Gas:-Gas pain or indigestion is common in kids of all ages.
    Diet often plays a role. Carbonated drinks, such as soda may
    upset the stomach, especially if the child drinks through a
    straw. Spicy foods, beans, citrus and caffeine (including
    chocolate) may cause gas.
  • Constipation:-Younger kids may not know what constipation
    is or that it can lead to stomach pain. If your child complains of
    stomach pain around the belly button or the left lower side of
    the abdomen, ask them when they last pooped, or if they’re
    having problems doing it.
  • Overeating:-Too much of anything, from pizza and popcorn to
    candy, can cause abdominal pain. Kids often eat quickly and
    don’t realize they’re full until they’ve overdone it. Plus, eating
    too quickly can contribute to discomfort.
  • Lactose intolerance:-Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk
    and milk products. “In order to digest lactose properly, the
    body produces an enzyme called lactase,”  “People who do
    not have this enzyme have a condition called lactose
    intolerance. When they consume milk products, they may
    have symptoms such as abdominal cramps, gas, diarrhoea or
  • Milk allergy:-Milk allergy is a reaction to protein casein in milk
    that may cause cramps. It is not the same as lactose


3. Medical cause 

  • Worms:-Ascariasis, threadworm, pinworm, whipworm,
    hookworm, giardiasis, amoebiasis, bacillary dysentery, which
    can cause persistent or recurrent stomach pain for which
    doctor’s advice is needed for its treatment.
  • Food poisoning:-It should be suspected when those who
    have eaten the same food start getting abdominal pain,
    diarrhoea and vomiting with or without fever.
  • Stomach pain with a sore throat and vomiting:-Sore throat
    with enlargement of glands pain in the abdomen can cause
    abdominal pain in children above 2 years of age. The pain
    disappears when a sore throat is treated. Severe bouts of
    cough or vomiting leading to muscles soreness of the
    abdominal muscles may also present as abdominal pain. The
    remedy lies in treating the cause of sore throat, cough or
  • Tuberculosis of the Abdomen:-Tuberculosis of the abdomen
    should be considered if the child who complains of pain in the
    abdomen has complained of associated features connected
    with a possible diagnosis of tuberculosis. These features
    include A history of close contact with an adult having
    tuberculosis, loss of appetite and weight; distension of the
  • Constipation:-This is the common cause of abdominal pain
    in children. The child does not look ill, nor has a fever, but gets
    intermittent colicky pain in the stomach. There is no vomiting
    and appetite is generally not affected.

4. Surgical Conditions 

  • Appendicitis:-Appendicitis refers to inflammation of the
    appendix, a tail-like structure of the large intestine located in
    the right lower abdomen. If not detected early, an inflamed
    appendix may burst open, leading to a serious condition called
    peritonitis. A child with a possible diagnosis of appendicitis
    needs immediate doctor’s attention.
  • Intestinal obstruction:-The child has pain in the abdomen,
    constipation, distention of the abdomen, and projectile
    vomiting. Urgent medical attention is required
  •  Inguinal Hernia:-Most often the inguinal hernia is noticed as a
    swelling in the groin or the scrotum. Swelling is prominent when a child cries, may disappear on its own or by gentle


When should I be concerned about my child’s stomach
If the child has abdominal pain but otherwise looks well and the
pain is not affecting his routine activities, you can almost be sure
that the problem is not serious. However, if your child is
experiencing any of the following symptoms make your appointment
with the doctor.

1. Frequent constipation
2. Blood in stool
3. Diarrhoea
4. Fever and cough
5. Pain while passing urine
6. If the look of your child causes anxiety,
7. Pain is constant. and severe and it’s lasting more than an hour
8. If your child is less than 12 months.

CONCLUSION: – At last I would like to convey more often in
children its needs to understand their fear, anxiety, unresolved
conflicts, to rule out mild to serious medical and surgical
complications. In homoeopathy, we go in-depth in understanding a
patient during case taking (physical, emotion, intellect and lifestyle)
into account, Thereafter we arrive at a solution that is sustainable
and long-lasting.
Homoeopathy has a large potential to treat many if not all diseases in
this busy stressful world of ours.
 “Listen to your body and begin applying a holistic approach to
wellness. Treat the whole being, not just the symptoms”.

Dr. Rajeshwari Yadav B.H.M.S., CCAH. MS(Psy)

Dr. Rajeshwari Yadav is a devoted homoeopath who, apart from common ailments has tried to cater to those arena which deals with human psychology ( both, child and adult )and has developed her own unique way in homoeopathic treatment of it. Having completed her graduation as a Homeopathy Doctor, she went on to pursue course in advanced Homeopathy.

She further did her masters in Psychology. She has worked under renowned Doctors for various specialization. This has helped her to provide services to different health ailments.

Dr. Shailesh Yadav, M.D

Dr. Shailesh Yadav is a dedicated classical homeopath who believes in treating most of the acute ailments through Homeopathy. He possesses a vast experience of treating many patients and help them come out of their acute ailments successfully. He is known for his great insight right from early medical education. Having completed his graduation as a Homeopathy doctor in 2006, he went on to pursue MD in Homeopathy in 2007. He has provided his services both in rural villages as well as urban cities. This has helped him with wider exposure to symptoms and analysis of various diseases. His articles on Modern Repertory have also been published. Having worked with and assisting renowned Homoeopaths and under their astute guidance along with his unique way of analyzing patients and their ailments, Dr. Shailesh Yadav has been able to garner a formidable list of faithful clientele. He has gained a reputation as an outstanding prescriber. Always eager to welcome patients to a practice where real caring and compassion combine with education and experience to provide the best in homeopathic care. Dr. Shailesh Yadav has a wealthy and varied clinical experience in treating cases like Asthma, Auto-immune diseases, Cerebral palsy, Defective immunity, Epileptic seizures, Mentally challenged, Pneumonia, etc. He also shares a great experience and trust in handling cases so-called as hopeless cases like Renal failures, Cancers, Psoriasis, Cirrhosis, Alcoholic liver diseases, Calculi, Menstrual disturbances, Infertility, etc.

Addressing Concerns About the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV): Should We Worry?

Lately, many of my patients have been asking questions like, “Dr.Shailesh, is this new HMPV virus another COVID-19? Should we be worried? What precautions should we take to protect our families?” These concerns are understandable, especially in light of the recent news about HMPV cases in India and the lingering memories of the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s address these questions calmly and with clarity.

What Is HMPV?

Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a respiratory virus that can cause symptoms similar to the common cold, such as cough, fever, runny nose, and sore throat. In some cases, it can lead to more severe respiratory illnesses like bronchitis or pneumonia, particularly in young children, the elderly, or individuals with weakened immune systems.

HMPV was first identified in 2001 in the Netherlands. However, scientific studies suggest that the virus, or a closely related strain, had been circulating in humans for at least 50 years before its discovery. It is believed to have originated from an avian virus that crossed over to humans approximately 200 years ago.

The Current Impact of HMPV in India

As of January 2025, India has reported a few isolated cases of HMPV. For instance, two infants in Bengaluru recently tested positive for the virus; one has been discharged, and the other is recovering well. A similar case involving a two-month-old infant was reported in Ahmedabad.

Health authorities have emphasized that these cases have no connection to the recent surge of HMPV infections in China. None of the affected individuals had international travel histories, and the cases remain isolated. While the situation warrants monitoring, experts believe there is no cause for alarm. Many individuals, especially adults, may have already been exposed to HMPV during their lifetime. Repeated exposures to the virus can build partial immunity, which is why severe infections are more common in children, the elderly, or those with weakened immune systems. However, immunity to HMPV is not lifelong, and reinfections can occur, typically with milder symptoms in healthy individuals.

Should We Be Concerned About HMPV?

Not a New Virus

HMPV is not a new virus. It has likely been circulating in human populations for decades, if not centuries. Many adults may have already been exposed to it and developed partial immunity. Reinfections can occur but are typically mild in healthy individuals.

Different from COVID-19

While the rise in HMPV cases may raise concerns, it is crucial to note that HMPV is not comparable to COVID-19. Unlike COVID-19, HMPV does not spread as rapidly, nor does it pose the same global health threat. Most HMPV infections resolve on their own within 7 to 10 days.

Vulnerable Populations

That said, HMPV can cause severe illness in specific high-risk groups, such as:

  • Children under the age of five
  • Elderly individuals
  • People with chronic illnesses or weakened immune systems

For these groups, vigilance and timely medical intervention are essential.

What Can We Do to Stay Safe?

Here are some practical steps to reduce the risk of HMPV infection:

  1. Practice Good Hand Hygiene Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  2. Cover Your Coughs and Sneezes Use a tissue or your elbow to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing to prevent spreading respiratory droplets.

  3. Avoid Close Contact Maintain distance from people showing symptoms of respiratory illness. If you’re unwell, limit contact with others.

  4. Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces Clean objects and surfaces like doorknobs, toys, and mobile phones regularly.

  5. Avoid Touching Your Face Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands to minimize the risk of infection.

  6. Seek Medical Attention for Severe Symptoms If someone in your family experiences persistent high fever, difficulty breathing, or worsening symptoms, consult a doctor promptly.

Homeopathy and HMPV

Homeopathy can offer supportive care in managing respiratory viral infections, including HMPV. By focusing on strengthening the body’s natural defenses and providing individualized remedies, homeopathy aims to:

  • Alleviate symptoms like cough, fever, and congestion
  • Support faster recovery
  • Prevent complications in high-risk individuals

While homeopathy does not target HMPV directly, its holistic approach can complement standard care, particularly in vulnerable populations.

Final Thoughts

HMPV is not a new or unknown threat. For most people, it causes mild symptoms that resolve with basic care. However, as with any respiratory virus, certain populations may require extra attention and care.

By following simple preventive measures and seeking timely medical care when needed, we can manage HMPV effectively without panic. Remember, our healthcare system and collective awareness have come a long way since the early days of COVID-19. Let’s stay informed, vigilant, and confident in our ability to handle this responsibly.

Stay safe and healthy! If you have more questions, feel free to reach out during your next visit to Caitanya Clinic.

Warm regards,
Dr. Shailesh Yadav

Is It Autism? A Heart-to-Heart Conversation Every Parent Needs

A Conversation with Parents: Understanding Autism and How We Can Help

Imagine sitting in my clinic, discussing your concerns for your little one. That’s the tone I want to set here—just us, having an honest and heartfelt conversation about your child.

Parent: “Dr. Rajeshwari, I’ve been worried about my son. He’s three, but he doesn’t talk as much as other kids his age. He avoids eye contact and prefers playing alone. Could it be autism? I feel so lost.”

Dr. Rajeshwari: First, take a deep breath. It’s okay to feel worried—that just shows how deeply you care about your child. From what you’ve shared, it’s possible that your son might be showing signs of autism, but let’s not jump to conclusions yet. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be reliably diagnosed as early as 18 months, but every child is unique, and developmental milestones can vary.

Let’s work together to understand your child better. The earlier we identify their needs, the sooner we can start supporting them in a way that works best for them.

Parent: “What are the early signs of autism? I’m not sure if I’ve been missing something.”

Dr. Rajeshwari: You’re not alone—many parents feel the same way. Some early signs include limited or no eye contact, delayed speech, repetitive behaviors like lining up toys, or intense focus on one activity. Some children might also seem overly sensitive to sounds or textures.

It’s important to remember that these signs don’t define your child—they’re just clues that can guide us to better understand how they experience the world.

Parent: “If my child is autistic, what can I do? Will they ever speak or connect with others?”

Dr. Rajeshwari: Every child’s journey is different. Some children may start speaking later, while others might use alternative ways to communicate. What’s most important is finding the right support for your child. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral interventions can work wonders.

At Caitanya Clinic, we’ve seen how integrating homeopathy into this mix can make a significant difference. Homeopathy gently addresses core challenges like anxiety, sensory sensitivities, and even immune system imbalances. When paired with allied therapies, it helps children connect more deeply with the world around them.

Parent: “Homeopathy? How does that help? I’ve heard mixed opinions about it.”

Dr. Rajeshwari: That’s a great question. Homeopathy works at a deeper level, focusing on the unique needs of the child. For instance, it can help reduce hyperactivity, improve focus, and ease the anxiety many children on the spectrum experience.

But here’s what makes our approach at Caitanya Clinic special: we don’t rely on homeopathy alone. We combine it with therapies like speech and occupational therapy, creating a tailored plan for your child. This integrated approach has shown wonderful results in many of our cases.


Parent: “I’m still worried about the future. Will my child be able to lead a happy life?”

Dr. Rajeshwari: I understand your fears—they’re completely natural. And the answer is yes, your child can absolutely lead a fulfilling life. With the right guidance and support, children with autism can develop their strengths, learn new skills, and connect with the world in their own unique way.

At Caitanya Clinic, we don’t just focus on therapies—we also work with parents, guiding you to become your child’s greatest advocate and cheerleader. Together, we can create a nurturing environment where your child can thrive.

Parent: “It sounds like you’ve worked with many families like ours. What’s your experience been?”

Dr. Rajeshwari: Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with so many wonderful children and their families. Every case teaches me something new, and I’ve seen how an integrated approach can bring about real, positive changes.

Some children have started speaking their first words after months of therapy; others have developed better focus or learned to handle social situations more comfortably. These moments are what keep me passionate about what I do.

As a parent, you’re doing an incredible job by seeking answers and support. Let’s piece together your child’s puzzle, step by step. At Caitanya Clinic, our protocol is designed to meet your child’s unique needs, blending homeopathy with other therapies to achieve the best possible outcomes.

You’re not alone in this journey. I’m here to help, and together, we can create a path that allows your child to shine in their own beautiful way.

(If you’d like to explore this approach further, book a consultation at Caitanya Clinic. We are available online consulting & clinic consulting at Vasai in the suburbs of Mumbai  Let’s start this journey together.)


Taking Control of Your Health:

Hi there,

Imagine this: You’re the proud owner of a shiny new car. You love driving it around, showing it off, and enjoying the smooth ride. But here’s the catch: You never take it in for servicing, never clean it, and sometimes, you even forget to fuel it up properly. What do you think will happen? Sooner or later, that car is going to break down. And when it does, you’ll probably rush to the mechanic, desperate for a fix.

Now, replace that car with your body. Isn’t it striking how we often treat our bodies like that neglected car? We push through stress, ignore warning signs, and hope for the best, assuming everything will somehow hold up. And when something does go wrong, we hand over the keys to our “mechanics”—our doctors—expecting them to fix everything as if by magic. But what if taking control could prevent those breakdowns altogether? This blog is your roadmap to proactive health management. But what if I told you that you’re the driver, and taking control of your health is not just possible but essential?

Let’s dive into three simple, powerful ways to start taking control of your health today.

1. Be the Driver, Not a Passenger

Most of us have been conditioned to be “good patients.” We listen, follow instructions, and avoid asking too many questions. While modern medicine may view the body as a machine whose parts can sometimes break, alternative healers like us homeopaths see things differently. We view the body as a sophisticated organism that intertwines the physical with the nonphysical mind and soul. Taking care of it is akin to maintaining a car—you can drive it recklessly or gently, fueling it with high-quality care. Ultimately, the best drivers know their vehicles inside out, just as the healthiest people take an active role in their healing.

For example, I once met a patient, Saaz, who was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Initially hesitant, she started asking detailed questions about her condition and treatment. She researched, changed her diet, managed stress, and even incorporated supplements to boost her immune system. With this proactive approach, Amar not only supported her medical treatments but also felt more empowered in her journey. Today, she’s cancer-free and living a vibrant life.

Does this mean you ignore your doctor? Absolutely not! It means you become a partner in your healing journey. Ask questions. Bring your own research. Be curious. Trust me; it’s not annoying—it’s empowering.

2. Embrace Change, Even When It’s Hard

Let’s be honest: Change is uncomfortable. It’s easier to stick to old habits, even if they’re harmful. But here’s the truth—healing often requires change. And yes, it can be time-consuming and emotionally challenging. This is different from the modern medicine paradigm, which rarely takes the time to analyze the unique lifestyle of each patient and, instead, tends to prescribe quick-fix pills or sometimes surgery to address a problem.

Take Suneeta, for instance. Diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer, she refused to accept the grim prognosis. While her doctors gave up, she didn’t. She overhauled her lifestyle, embraced complementary treatments, and focused on her belief in recovery. Against all odds, she’s been cancer-free for almost 10 years.

What changes can you make today? Maybe it’s improving your diet, finding time for exercise, or finally tackling that stress you’ve been ignoring. Start small but stay consistent. Every step counts.

3. Face Resistance with Courage

Taking control of your health often invites resistance. Sometimes it’s external—like doctors dismissing your efforts. Other times, it’s internal—like fear or self-doubt creeping in. Moreover, taking control often means dealing with criticism from others. Patients who assert themselves are sometimes labeled as “annoying” by the conventional medical system, and as a result, they may not always be treated well by members of their medical team. This requires a strong backbone to navigate the resistance and remain steadfast in your journey.

I recall a patient, Ravi, who struggled with chronic migraines. For years, he hesitated to make dietary changes, doubting whether they would help. However, with encouragement and guidance, he pushed through his resistance and adopted a healthier lifestyle. Within months, his migraines significantly reduced, and he felt more in control of his health.

This is where having a strong backbone helps. Remember, resistance is not a sign to stop; it’s a sign you’re on the right path. Surround yourself with supportive people, and don’t shy away from being a little “rebellious” when it comes to your health.

Research Says You’re Right

In terms of research, science aligns with the idea that taking control of your health is vital. Studies on personality types have highlighted this connection. For instance, Type A individuals, known for being high-strung and competitive, contrast with the more relaxed Type B personalities. Researchers later identified a Type C personality—characterized by passivity and a tendency to suppress emotions—which some studies have linked to weakened immunity and chronic diseases. While debates continue about these findings, what’s clear is that helplessness, rather than personality traits alone, significantly impacts immunity and survival outcomes. This underscores a vital point: you are not merely a patient; you are a partner in your healing journey.

Action Steps You Can Start Today

  1. Find the Right Doctor: Look for a practitioner who values your questions and respects your involvement. (Hint: You’ve already found one—me!)
  2. Educate Yourself: Read one health-related article every week. Knowledge is power.
  3. Assess Your Life: Take a piece of paper and divide it into three sections: physical, mental, and spiritual. Write down areas that need improvement and circle the most impactful ones. Start there.
  4. Get an Accountability Partner: Share your goals with someone who will cheer you on and keep you on track.

Why Choose Me?

At Caitanya, my clinic, I’ve helped countless patients take control of their health—from chronic diseases to lifestyle overhauls. One memorable case is that of Priya, a young woman battling severe PCOS symptoms. With a personalized plan combining homeopathy, dietary changes, and stress management techniques, Priya saw remarkable improvements in her health within six months. My approach combines homeopathy, lifestyle guidance, and a deep understanding of what it takes to heal from within. Together, we’ll create a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs.

We specialize in reversing chronic diseases like thyroid issues, PCOS, psoriasis, eczema, kidney failure, autoimmune conditions, arthritis, and even cancer.

So, are you ready to take the driver’s seat in your healing journey? Let’s start today. Book a consultation at Caitanya, and let’s navigate this road to better health together.

Start the New Year with a gift! Enjoy a FREE 10-minute consultation to discover how we can help you. Click the link below to get started!

Free consulting

Yours in health, Dr. Shailesh Yadav

Understanding Why Autism Occurs: A Conversation from My Heart to Yours

Let’s start with a story. Imagine a parent, sitting in my clinic, their eyes filled with worry and guilt. They’re trying to find answers, to understand what they might have done wrong. “Doctor, did I cause this? Could I have done something differently?” These are questions I hear often. If you’re here reading this, you might be wondering the same thing. Let’s walk through this journey together, step by step.

Autism—A Multifaceted Puzzle

Autism is like a grand puzzle—one with many interlocking pieces. Science has come a long way in understanding these pieces, but there’s still much to uncover. What we do know is that autism doesn’t have a single cause. Instead, it’s the result of a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors.

  1. Genetic Factors: A Family Thread

You might have heard that autism runs in families. That’s true to an extent. Research shows that certain genes increase the likelihood of autism. However, it’s not about a single ‘bad gene.’ It’s like a symphony of multiple genes working together in ways we’re still learning to understand.

For example, conditions like Fragile X Syndrome or Rett Syndrome are linked to genetic changes and sometimes include autism-like traits. Even identical twins don’t always both have autism, which means that genes are only part of the story. The environment also plays a role.

  1. Environmental Factors: What Surrounds Us Matters

During pregnancy, a mother’s health and surroundings can influence a baby’s development. Infections, certain medications, toxins like pesticides, or even complications during childbirth may subtly affect the brain’s wiring. These aren’t things anyone can predict or control entirely, so please, do not blame yourself.

  1. Brain Development: A Unique Wiring

Imagine a child’s brain as a beautiful, intricate web of connections. In autism, some of these connections may form differently, especially in areas handling communication, social interaction, or sensory processing. This doesn’t mean something is “wrong” with the brain—it’s just wired in a unique way.

  1. Immune System and Other Factors

Emerging research suggests that the immune system might also play a role. Inflammation during pregnancy or unusual immune responses could potentially influence brain development. Additionally, factors like advanced parental age or maternal stress have been studied for their connection to autism.

The Role of Vaccines: Let’s Address the Elephant in the Room

I know some of you might have heard about a possible link between vaccines and autism, particularly the MMR vaccine. Let me be clear: extensive research has consistently shown no credible evidence connecting vaccines to autism. While there have been observational studies suggesting a possible role of vaccination in regressive autism—where a child seems to develop normally until around 16-18 months before showing autistic traits. If you have concerns or doubts, please don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. We’re here to provide you with accurate, evidence-based information and support.

Is This My Fault? Absolutely Not!

Let me say this as clearly as I can: you did not cause your child’s autism. As parents, we naturally look for answers, but the truth is, autism arises from factors largely beyond anyone’s control. Life’s circumstances, our environment, and our genetic makeup are not things we can ‘fix’ or change. You’ve done nothing wrong.

Why Doesn’t Autism Affect Every Child?

If these factors are universal, why doesn’t every child develop autism? The answer lies in genetic susceptibility. Some children may have a genetic predisposition, while others are less affected by the same environmental factors. Think of it like seeds planted in different types of soil. The soil—or the environment—affects how the seed grows.

Finding Your Path Forward

Now that we’ve explored these layers, let’s shift focus. Your child’s autism is not your fault, but your response to it can shape their journey. Early intervention, therapy, and a supportive environment can make a world of difference. Focus on what you can control—loving your child, celebrating their unique strengths, and seeking help when needed.

Together, We’re Stronger

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. Many parents have walked this path, and there’s a community of professionals and families ready to support you. Autism may be a puzzle, but together, we can help piece it together.

Remember, the most important thing your child needs is your love and understanding. And that’s something you’ve already given in abundance.

At Caitanya Clinic, we understand that navigating autism can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’ve designed a comprehensive approach tailored to support children with autism and their families. From homeopathic treatments that address root causes to personalized guidance on lifestyle, therapy, and holistic care, we’re here to help every step of the way.

If you’re looking for compassionate, expert care to make a difference in your child’s journey, reach out to us. Call us today at the clinic to schedule a consultation. Together, let’s build a brighter future for your child.

With care and compassion,

Dr. Rajeshwari Yadav



Fewer Antibiotics, Healthier Kids: Study Confirms Homeopathy’s Edge in Early Childhood

As parents, we want nothing but the best for our children, especially when it comes to their health. But when it comes to choosing a treatment plan, many find themselves stuck between conventional allopathic methods and alternative approaches like homeopathy. A recent study published in the prestigious European Journal of Paediatrics sheds some light on this very debate, suggesting that homeopathy may actually be a more effective approach for common illnesses in children under two years of age.

Click on Image to Read Research Paper

Let’s break down what this study found and how it can help you make informed decisions about your child’s health.

What Did the Study Reveal?

The research, conducted by the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) in collaboration with Jeeyar Integrated Medical Services (JIMS) Hospital in Telangana, looked at the health outcomes of 108 children aged 0–24 months. The study focused on common illnesses like fever, diarrhea, and respiratory infections—issues that almost every parent of a young child has faced.

Children in the study were divided into two groups:

  1. Those treated with homeopathy for their acute illnesses.
  2. Those treated with conventional allopathy.

The results? Children who received homeopathic treatments had fewer sick days over the 24-month study period compared to those in the allopathy group.

TOI News Paper 21/10/2024
TOI News Paper 21/10/2024

Key Findings at a Glance:

  • Fewer Sick Days: Children in the homeopathy group experienced a median of five sick days over 24 months, while those in the allopathic group had 21 sick days.
  • Less Use of Antibiotics: Only 14 antibiotic prescriptions were required in the homeopathy group compared to a staggering 141 in the allopathic group.
  • Reduced Respiratory Infections: Children treated with homeopathy had fewer episodes of respiratory infections over the follow-up period.
  • No Adverse Reactions: Importantly, there were no significant differences in diarrhea episodes, and no adverse reactions or deaths were noted in either group.

Answering Skeptics: Is This Study Reliable?

It’s natural to be skeptical, especially when it comes to your child’s well-being. However, this study is backed by a trusted research institution and published in a well-respected medical journal. While the researchers did mention the limitations of the study, such as a small sample size, the results are still noteworthy for anyone considering early-life treatment options.

In fact, the study highlights an important trend: using homeopathy as the mainstay of treatment can help reduce reliance on antibiotics and other aggressive interventions, while effectively managing common childhood illnesses.

Why Start Homeopathy Early?

Starting homeopathic treatment early in life offers multiple benefits:

  1. Gentle Approach: Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes, making it a gentle option for infants and toddlers.
  2. Fewer Side Effects: Unlike conventional medications, homeopathic remedies are free from side effects, which is crucial during the early, delicate years of life.
  3. Long-Term Health: Building a strong immune system from the beginning can set the foundation for fewer illnesses and a healthier life overall.

Final Thoughts: Choose What’s Best for Your Child

Choosing the right treatment plan for your child is never easy, especially when you’re faced with conflicting advice from different health professionals. However, this study provides compelling evidence that homeopathy can be a highly effective, safe, and beneficial option for treating common childhood illnesses.

At Caitanya Clinic, we are dedicated to offering holistic care that targets the root cause of health problems, and homeopathy has been a cornerstone of our approach. If you’re interested in learning more about how homeopathy can benefit your child, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation.

Book an Appointment Today

Let us help your child stay healthy, naturally.


Is Your Child Struggling to Grasp the Value of Money?

As parents of children with special needs, one of the most critical life skills we can teach them is understanding the value of money. It’s easy to assume that lessons about rupees, coins, and prices are covered in school, but for many children with developmental challenges, such as those on the autism spectrum, grasping the practical value of money often requires more personalized and hands-on learning.

But how can we take this seemingly abstract concept and turn it into something meaningful for such children? Let’s dive into how we can make the lessons of earning, spending, and saving money real and empowering for them.

Starting with a Simple Concept: “Does Money Grow on Trees?”

Let’s start with a fun question for your child: Does money grow on trees? This can be a fantastic way to open up a conversation about where money really comes from. In our culture, there’s a phrase that’s often used, “Paise ped par nahi ugte” (Money doesn’t grow on trees), which drives home the point that money is earned.

Here’s a simple exercise: Take your child to a plant nursery and ask them to find a tree that grows money. When they give you a confused look, you can explain, “Just like plants need time and effort to grow, money comes from hard work.” This can then lead to a discussion about how you (as their parents) go to work, just like they go to school, and that’s how you earn money to buy the things you need.

It’s important to explain this in the context of their daily lives. For example, you can tell them, “We earn money to buy your books for school, your favorite snacks, and the clothes we wear.” This simple analogy helps them connect the idea of work to money in a way they can understand.

Teaching Through Action: Earning Money with Chores

Now that your child understands that money comes from work, it’s time to make this concept more hands-on. One of the best ways to help your child understand the value of money is to set up a simple system of household chores where they can earn small amounts of money.

For example:

  • ₹10 for watering the plants
  • ₹20 for helping set the dinner table
  • ₹50 for cleaning their room

By associating tasks with specific amounts of money, your child will begin to understand that not all jobs are the same—some take more effort and are therefore rewarded with more money. This system also helps them learn that money has to be earned through responsibility, time, and hard work.

You can even set up a small “bank” at home, where they can deposit their earnings in a box or jar. Encourage them to keep track of their “earnings” in a notebook, which will reinforce their understanding of savings and the rewards of being patient.

Needs vs. Wants: Prioritizing Purchases

Once your child begins earning money, it’s important to help them differentiate between needs and wants. This distinction is crucial to building a foundation of financial literacy. You can start by making two lists together:

  • Needs: School supplies, clothes for winter, food
  • Wants: New toys, extra snacks, gadgets

Help your child understand that needs are essential for daily life, while wants are things they would like to have but are not necessary. This is where budgeting comes in. You can give your child an allowance based on the chores they’ve completed, and then guide them in making choices about how to spend that money.

Here’s an idea: Take them to a local market or browse an online store. Ask them to guess how much an item costs and then show them the actual price. This will give them a real-world sense of how money is spent and the importance of budgeting wisely.

Saving for Something Special: The Power of Patience

While your child might be eager to spend their earnings on small things like candies or toys, it’s important to introduce the concept of saving. Explain to them that saving means putting aside some of their earnings to afford something bigger or more valuable later on.

For example, if your child wants a new toy that costs ₹500, help them calculate how many chores they need to complete to save that much money. They might earn ₹50 from cleaning their room, so after 10 chores, they’ll have enough to buy the toy.

This exercise teaches your child two valuable lessons:

  1. Patience: Waiting and working toward a goal
  2. Planning: Making smart decisions about money instead of spending it impulsively

A great way to visualize their progress is to create a chart where they can color in boxes each time they save ₹50, getting closer to their goal of ₹500. Watching their savings grow will motivate them and reinforce the value of working toward a reward.

Teaching Smart Spending: Comparison Shopping

Another critical skill is teaching your child to compare prices. This can be a fun and educational experience. Let’s say your child wants to buy a cricket bat. You can compare prices from two different stores—perhaps one offers the bat for ₹800 and another for ₹750. Show your child how much they can save by choosing the cheaper option.

You can take this further by asking your child to calculate how much they saved, and then show them how they can use the saved amount to buy something else. This teaches them the value of making informed decisions and managing their money wisely.

Final Thoughts: Building Lifelong Skills

As parents of children with special needs, it’s important to approach financial literacy with patience, creativity, and encouragement. Teaching your child the value of money is not just about math or currency; it’s about empowering them to make confident, informed choices as they grow.

These lessons will carry into adulthood, giving them a sense of independence and understanding that they can apply to all areas of life. Helping your child develop good financial habits early on is one of the most empowering gifts you can give them.

Remember, these lessons are not just about rupees and coins; they are about building a strong foundation for their future success and independence.

Together, we can help children thrive.

Warm regards,

Dr. Rajeshwari Yadav
Helping children grow into healthy, happy, and independent individuals

How Homeopathy Can Support Children with ADHD

What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects school-aged children. Characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, ADHD can significantly interfere with a child’s social, academic, and emotional development.

Prevalence of ADHD in India

In India, ADHD affects approximately 2-7% of children, similar to global trends. However, certain studies suggest the prevalence might be on the higher side in specific regions due to varying diagnostic criteria and awareness levels. Community-based surveys have indicated a prevalence rate of about 18.6 per 10,000 children, particularly in the age group of 4-19 years. ADHD presents a significant challenge for effective mental and educational intervention in these children.

Types of ADHD

ADHD is categorized into three primary types, depending on the predominant symptoms:

  1. Predominantly Inattentive Type:
    • Characterized mainly by inattention and distractibility without significant hyperactivity.
  2. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type:
    • Marked by hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors without significant inattention.
  3. Combined Type:
    • Involves a combination of both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.

Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD

To diagnose ADHD, a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity must be observed, interfering with functioning or development. The key criteria include:

  1. Inattention (Six or more of the following symptoms for at least 6 months):
    • Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes.
    • Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities.
    • Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.
    • Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork or chores.
    • Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities.
    • Avoids or is reluctant to engage in tasks requiring sustained mental effort.
    • Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities.
    • Is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.
    • Is forgetful in daily activities.
  2. Hyperactivity and Impulsivity (Six or more of the following symptoms for at least 6 months):
    • Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat.
    • Leaves seat in situations where remaining seated is expected.
    • Runs about or climbs excessively in inappropriate situations.
    • Has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly.
    • Is “on the go” or acts as if “driven by a motor.”
    • Talks excessively.
    • Blurts out answers before questions have been completed.
    • Has difficulty waiting turn.
    • Interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butting into conversations or games).

Additional Diagnostic Considerations:

  • Symptoms must be present before the age of 12 years.
  • Impairment from the symptoms must be observed in at least two settings (e.g., at home and school).
  • There must be clear evidence of significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.
  • The symptoms should not be better explained by another mental disorder.

Why Should Parents Be Concerned? Many parents reach out to me at the clinic, asking: “Is my child’s hyperactivity just a phase?” or Can’t they just focus if they tried harder?” It’s essential to understand that ADHD is not just about being a little more active or distracted than others. It’s a chronic condition that affects 2-7% of children globally and can extend into adulthood if not addressed properly.

Common Myths & Misbeliefs

  • Myth: ADHD is just a lack of discipline.
    • Reality: ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, not a behavioral issue. It requires a comprehensive approach that includes understanding, support, and appropriate interventions.
  • Myth: Kids with ADHD will outgrow it.
    • Reality: While some symptoms may lessen with age, many individuals continue to experience challenges related to ADHD into adulthood.
  • Myth: ADHD isn’t real; it’s just an excuse for bad behavior.
    • Reality: ADHD is one of the most extensively studied mental health conditions, with clear diagnostic criteria and effective treatment options.

The Role of Homeopathy in ADHD Parents often wonder, “Can homeopathy help my child?” The answer is a resounding yes. Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole, not just the symptoms. In ADHD, homeopathic remedies can help reduce hyperactivity, improve concentration, and support overall social and academic development. By focusing on the totality of symptoms, homeopathy offers a personalized approach, guiding the practitioner to the right remedy, or simillimum, that addresses the unique needs of the child.

Homeopathy’s role in treating ADHD has garnered interest, and several studies have explored its efficacy. Here are some research papers and studies that support the use of homeopathy in managing ADHD:

Here’s a brief summary of research papers supporting the use of homeopathy in treating ADHD:

  1. Frei & Thurneysen (2001): A double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 83 children found significant improvements in ADHD symptoms with individualized homeopathic treatment. (European Journal of Pediatrics)
  2. Frei et al. (2005): In a retrospective study of 62 children, 75% showed moderate to marked improvements in ADHD symptoms after homeopathic treatment. (British Homeopathic Journal)
  3. Jacobs et al. (2005): A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study reported significant symptom reduction in children with ADHD treated with homeopathy. (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine)
  4. Lamont (1997): A pilot study indicated positive trends in ADHD symptom reduction with simillimum homeopathic prescriptions. (Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy)
  5. Oberai et al. (2013): A case series found significant improvements in children with ADHD using constitutional homeopathic remedies. (Homeopathy)

These papers suggest that homeopathy can play a role in managing ADHD symptoms, especially when treatment is individualized to the patient’s specific symptoms and constitution. While more extensive and rigorous studies are needed, these studies offer promising evidence of homeopathy’s potential benefits in ADHD management.

Importance of Behavioral Therapies & Counseling While homeopathy is effective, it works best in conjunction with other therapies. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), parental education, and counseling play crucial roles in managing ADHD. These therapies help children develop coping strategies, improve their focus, and enhance their social skills.

Common Questions Asked:-

  1. Can homeopathy replace conventional ADHD medications?
    • Homeopathy can be a complementary therapy or main line of treatment depending upon case to case. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your child.
  2. How long does it take to see improvements with homeopathy?
    • The timeline varies depending on the individual. Some may see changes in a few weeks, while others may take longer. Consistency and regular follow-ups are key.
  3. Are there any side effects with homeopathic treatments?
    • Homeopathy is known for its gentle approach, with minimal to no side effects when prescribed by a qualified practitioner.

Conclusion:-  ADHD is a complex condition that requires a multifaceted approach. Homeopathy, combined with behavioral therapies, offers a holistic solution that can significantly improve a child’s quality of life. Understanding and addressing ADHD through this lens empowers parents and provides children with the tools they need to thrive.

By embracing homeopathy, parents can take a proactive step in supporting their child’s journey toward better focus, reduced hyperactivity, and overall well-being.



Understanding Learning Disabilities & its Consequences

As parents, we all want the best for our children, especially when it comes to their development and education. But what if your child is struggling with reading, writing, or even basic math? You might start to wonder, “Is this just a phase, or could it be something more?” It’s natural to have questions and concerns, and it’s important to know that you’re not alone.

What Are Learning Disabilities? Learning disabilities are neurological disorders that affect the brain’s ability to process information. This means your child might have difficulty with tasks that most children find easy, like listening, speaking, reading, or writing. In India, around 5-12% of school-aged children are diagnosed with specific learning disabilities, and many receive interventions like remedial education or holistic treatments, including homeopathy.

Common Signs of Learning Disabilities You might notice certain behaviors in your child that raise red flags. These could include:

  • Language Delays: Speaking later than peers, pronunciation problems, or difficulty finding the right words.
  • Difficulty with Basic Concepts: Struggling to learn numbers, the alphabet, days of the week, or shapes.
  • Attention Issues: Being easily distracted, restless, or having trouble following directions.
  • Motor Skills: Poor coordination, difficulty holding a pencil, or clumsiness.

Does This Sound Familiar? It’s common for parents to see these signs and wonder if it’s just a temporary phase. You might think, “They’ll grow out of it,” or “I was like that as a child, and I turned out fine.” But if these behaviors persist, it could be a sign of a learning disability. Early diagnosis and intervention are key to helping your child thrive.

Checklist of Potential Learning Disabilities


  • Speaks later than most children.
  • Pronunciation problems.
  • Slow vocabulary growth, often unable to find the right word.
  • Difficulty rhyming words.
  • Trouble learning numbers, the alphabet, days of the week, colors, shapes.
  • Extremely restless and easily distracted.
  • Trouble interacting with peers.
  • Difficulty following directions or routines.
  • Fine motor skills slow to develop.

Grades K-4

  • Slow to learn the connection between letters and sounds.
  • Confuses basic words (run, eat, want).
  • Makes consistent reading and spelling errors, including letter reversals (b/d), inversions (m/w), transpositions (felt/left), and substitutions (house/home).
  • Transposes number sequences and confuses arithmetic signs (+, -, x, /, =).
  • Slow to remember facts.
  • Slow to learn new skills, relies heavily on memorization.
  • Impulsive, difficulty planning.
  • Unstable pencil grip.
  • Trouble learning about time.
  • Poor coordination, unaware of physical surroundings, prone to accidents.

Grades 5-8

  • Reverses letter sequences (soiled/solid, left/felt).
  • Slow to learn prefixes, suffixes, root words, and other spelling strategies.
  • Avoids reading aloud.
  • Trouble with word problems.
  • Difficulty with handwriting.
  • Awkward, fist-like, or tight pencil grip.
  • Avoids writing compositions.
  • Slow or poor recall of facts.
  • Difficulty making friends.
  • Trouble understanding body language and facial expressions.

High School Students and Adults

  • Continues to spell incorrectly, frequently spelling the same word differently in a single piece of writing.
  • Avoids reading and writing tasks.
  • Trouble summarizing.
  • Trouble with open-ended questions on tests.
  • Weak memory skills.
  • Difficulty adjusting to new settings.
  • Works slowly.
  • Poor grasp of abstract concepts.
  • Either pays too little attention to details or focuses on them too much.
  • Misreads information.

How Can Homeopathy Help? You might be wondering, “Can homeopathy really help with something as complex as a learning disability?” The answer is yes. Homeopathy works on the principle of treating the individual as a whole, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of your child’s challenges.

When your child is treated homeopathically with the remedy that best matches their symptoms, you may see improvements not just in their behavior, but also in their overall well-being. Homeopathy helps them feel more in touch with the positive aspects of themselves, reducing disruptive and harmful behaviors.

Common Concerns from Parents Here are some of the questions I often hear from concerned parents like you:

  • How long will the treatment take?
    Homeopathic treatment for learning disabilities is a process that takes time. It’s important to be patient and keep the bigger picture in mind. Results won’t happen overnight, but with consistent care, you will see progress.
  • Will my child ever catch up with their peers?
    Every child’s journey is unique. While it may take time, many children with learning disabilities go on to lead successful, productive lives with the right support and treatment.
  • What if I’ve tried everything and nothing works?
    It’s understandable to feel frustrated, especially if you’ve tried multiple therapies. Homeopathy offers a different approach, focusing on the root cause of the issue rather than just the symptoms.

The Psychological Impact on Parents It’s not just your child who’s affected by a learning disability—you are too. You might go through a range of emotions, from denial and blame to fear and guilt. It’s important to remember that these feelings are normal. Counseling and support from professionals can help you navigate this challenging time.

Early Intervention Makes a Difference If parents, teachers, and other professionals discover a child’s learning disability early and provide the right kind of help, it can give the child a chance to develop the skills needed to lead a successful and productive life. A recent National Institutes of Health study showed that 67% of young students who were at risk for reading difficulties became average or above-average readers after receiving help in the early grades.

Research shows that early intervention can significantly improve outcomes for children with learning disabilities. If you notice warning signs in your child, don’t hesitate to seek help. The sooner we can start working together, the better the chances of helping your child reach their full potential.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. As a parent, your involvement and support are crucial. Together, with the right treatment plan—including homeopathy—we can help your child overcome their challenges and thrive.

Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Imagine waking up every day unsure of how your stomach will behave. Will you enjoy a meal without discomfort, or will you be stuck near a bathroom all day? This is the reality for many living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a condition that turns daily activities into sources of anxiety.

Take Riya, for instance. A vibrant 30-year-old who used to love trying new foods and socializing with friends. But recently, she’s been avoiding dinner parties and spontaneous outings. The unpredictability of her symptoms—bloating, cramping, and alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation—has made her once-joyful routine a challenge.

If you can relate to Riya’s story, you’re not alone. IBS affects millions of people, yet each person’s experience is unique. While some days might be manageable, others can feel overwhelming. The key to managing IBS lies in understanding your body, identifying your triggers, and finding a treatment that works for you.

What is IBS, and What Causes It?

IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a functional gastrointestinal disorder, meaning that while it causes significant symptoms, it doesn’t lead to visible damage in the digestive tract. The exact cause of IBS isn’t entirely understood, but it’s believed to be related to a combination of factors:

  • Gut-Brain Interaction: There’s a miscommunication between your brain and gut, leading to abnormal muscle contractions in your intestines.
  • Gut Motility Issues: These abnormal contractions can cause food to move too quickly (leading to diarrhea) or too slowly (leading to constipation) through your digestive tract.
  • Sensitivity: People with IBS often have a heightened sensitivity to intestinal pain and discomfort.
  • Gut Microbiome: An imbalance in the bacteria in your gut may contribute to IBS symptoms.
  • Genetics and Environment: A family history of IBS and stressful life events can increase your risk.

How is IBS Different from Other Gastrointestinal Illnesses?

One of the most common questions I hear is, “How is IBS different from other digestive disorders?” Unlike conditions such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, IBS does not cause inflammation or permanent damage to the digestive tract. This means that while IBS can cause chronic discomfort, it doesn’t increase the risk of colon cancer or other serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Pathophysiology of IBS

The pathophysiology of IBS is complex and involves multiple factors:

  • Altered Bowel Motility: In IBS, the muscles in the walls of the intestines contract more strongly or weakly than normal, affecting how food moves through the digestive system.
  • Visceral Hypersensitivity: Patients with IBS may have an increased sensitivity to pain caused by gas or bowel movements.
  • Gut-Brain Axis Dysregulation: The communication between the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system (the gut’s nervous system) is often disrupted, leading to IBS symptoms.

How to Recognize If You Have IBS

You might wonder, “How do I know if I’m suffering from IBS?” The diagnosis of IBS is typically made based on symptoms, as there are no specific tests for it. Common symptoms include:

  • Abdominal Pain or Cramping: Often relieved by bowel movements.
  • Bloating and Gas: Persistent feelings of fullness or swelling in the abdomen.
  • Irregular Bowel Movements: Ranging from diarrhea to constipation, sometimes both in alternating patterns.

Common Questions About IBS

As someone living with IBS, you might have several questions. Here are some of the most common ones I hear:

  1. What foods should I avoid?
    • Foods like garlic, onions, wheat, and dairy, often trigger symptoms.
  2. Can stress make IBS worse?
    • Yes, stress can exacerbate IBS symptoms, as it affects the gut-brain connection.
  3. Is IBS the same as IBD?
    • No, IBS is a functional disorder without inflammation, while IBD (like Crohn’s disease) involves inflammation and can cause damage to the digestive tract.
  4. How is IBS treated?
    • Treatment typically involves dietary changes, stress management, and sometimes medication. Homeopathy can also be a valuable tool.
  5. Will IBS ever go away?
    • IBS is a chronic condition, but symptoms can be effectively managed with the right approach.

Managing IBS with Diet

One of the biggest challenges with IBS is figuring out which foods trigger your symptoms. Foods high in —certain types of carbohydrates—are common culprits. These include:

  • Fruits: Apples, pears, watermelon.
  • Vegetables: Garlic, onions, cauliflower.
  • Grains: Wheat, rye, barley.
  • Dairy: Milk, soft cheeses.
  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas.
  • Sweeteners: Honey, high fructose corn syrup.

Avoiding or reducing these foods can significantly improve your symptoms. But diet is just one piece of the puzzle.

Finding Balance with Homeopathy

So, how can homeopathy help? Homeopathy offers a holistic, individualized approach to treating IBS. Instead of just addressing symptoms, homeopathy aims to treat the root cause, helping restore balance in your digestive system and overall health.

For example, Riya found relief through a personalized homeopathic treatment plan. By focusing on her specific symptoms, lifestyle, and triggers, we were able to reduce her flare-ups, improve her digestion, and give her the confidence to enjoy life again without the constant worry of IBS symptoms.

Conclusion: Your Journey to Relief

Living with IBS doesn’t have to mean living in discomfort or fear. With the right approach, including dietary adjustments, stress management, and holistic treatments like homeopathy, you can regain control over your digestive health.

Remember, every person’s IBS journey is different. Together, we can explore the best path for you, leading to lasting relief and a healthier, happier life.

Can Homeopathy Handle Acute Illnesses? The Evidence Might Surprise You

Many patients and their families often express confusion regarding whether to use homeopathy or conventional medicine for acute illnesses like fever, loose motions, and cough. A common misconception is that homeopathy might take longer to handle acute conditions, leading to a tendency to resort to conventional medicine for quick relief. This article aims to clarify the effectiveness of homeopathy in managing acute illnesses and emphasize the importance of allowing homeopathic doctors to handle these conditions, based on my 15 years of clinical practice in Vasai, experience in homeopathic hospitals during my postgraduation, and work in the tribal area of Palghar.

Homeopathy’s Approach to Acute Illnesses

Homeopathy operates on the philosophy of stimulating the body’s innate immune mechanism to deal with illnesses. Understanding what classifies as an acute illness and its context is crucial for facilitating the healing process. Here are some examples:

  1. Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Diseases:
    Chronic diseases like ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis often have acute exacerbations. In such cases, the focus should be on managing the disease’s root cause. Simply addressing the acute phase with any medicine may not lead to long-term success. Homeopathy aims to treat these acute exacerbations while also addressing the chronic condition holistically.
  2. Acute Episodes of Periodic Diseases:
    Periodic diseases such as epilepsy, bronchial asthma, malaria, menstrual colic, migraines, allergies, and neuralgia have acute attacks interspersed with asymptomatic intervals. Managing these conditions requires understanding the dual phenomenon of acute and chronic symptoms. Homeopathic treatment involves acute prescribing based on the presenting totality of symptoms during an episode and a chronic prescription for the underlying condition. This approach ensures that the acute stage is managed effectively, allowing the chronic treatment to work in tandem.

The Importance of Homeopathic Management of Acute Illnesses

Patients often believe that managing acute symptoms with conventional medicine and using homeopathy for chronic conditions is a balanced approach. However, this practice can hinder the homeopathic doctor’s ability to assess the disease in its totality. Here are key points to consider:

  • Holistic Treatment: Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole, not just the symptoms. Managing acute symptoms with conventional medicine can mask the underlying issues, making it difficult for the homeopathic doctor to address the root cause.
  • Consistency in Treatment: Allowing homeopathic doctors to handle both acute and chronic conditions ensures a consistent treatment approach. This consistency is vital for understanding the patient’s overall health and tailoring the treatment accordingly.
  • Effective Management: Homeopathic hospitals have historically managed acute illnesses effectively, on par with conventional medicine. For instance, during my tenure at a homeopathic hospital, we successfully treated numerous acute cases, demonstrating homeopathy’s efficacy in such scenarios.

Real-Life Examples

  1. Case of Acute Bronchial Asthma:
    A patient with chronic bronchial asthma experienced frequent acute exacerbations. Initially, they used conventional medicine for immediate relief and sought homeopathic treatment only for chronic management. However, this approach led to inconsistent results. Once the patient allowed homeopathic management of acute episodes, the frequency and severity of exacerbations reduced significantly, demonstrating the effectiveness of a holistic approach.
  2. Case of Recurrent Migraine Attacks:
    A young woman suffered from recurrent migraines and initially relied on painkillers for acute relief while seeking homeopathic treatment for chronic management. After switching to exclusive homeopathic treatment for both acute and chronic phases, she experienced a notable decrease in migraine frequency and intensity. The comprehensive treatment plan addressed the underlying triggers and provided sustained relief.

Evidence of Homeopathy Effectively Managing Acute Diseases

Historical and Clinical Evidence

  1. Epidemic Management:
    • Spanish Flu (1918-1920): During the Spanish Flu pandemic, homeopathy demonstrated impressive results. Homeopathic hospitals reported significantly lower mortality rates compared to conventional hospitals. For example, Dr. Dean W.A. Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 flu cases treated by homeopathic physicians with a mortality rate of 1.05%, compared to the usual rate of 30% with conventional treatment.
  2. Cholera Epidemics:
    • 19th Century Cholera Epidemics: Homeopathy played a significant role during cholera outbreaks in Europe. Hospitals using homeopathic treatments, such as in Vienna and London, reported mortality rates between 7% and 16%, much lower than the 40%-60% mortality rates observed in conventional hospitals.
  3. Dengue Fever:
    • Cuba (2007-2008): A homeopathic preventive treatment for dengue fever was administered to 2.3 million people in Cuba, leading to a drastic reduction in infection rates compared to the untreated population. This large-scale intervention demonstrated homeopathy’s potential in managing acute infectious diseases.
  4. Acute Respiratory Infections:
    • Clinical Studies: Multiple studies have shown the efficacy of homeopathy in treating acute respiratory infections. For instance, a study published in the “British Homeopathic Journal” (1994) found that 70% of patients with acute sinusitis treated with homeopathy experienced significant improvement within a week.

Research on Homeopathy for Acute Diseases

  1. Acute Otitis Media in Children
    • Journal: Pediatrics (2001)
    • Authors: Frei H, Thurneysen A
    • Summary: Individualized homeopathic treatment significantly reduced symptoms in children with acute otitis media within 24 hours compared to those untreated.
    • Link: Pediatrics Study
  2. Acute Respiratory and Ear Complaints
    • Journal: The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2007)
    • Authors: Haidvogl M, et al.
    • Summary: Homeopathic treatment led to significant symptom improvement and high patient satisfaction in acute respiratory and ear complaints.
    • Link: JACM Study
  3. Childhood Diarrhea
    • Journal: The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal (2003)
    • Authors: Jacobs J, et al.
    • Summary: Meta-analysis showed homeopathy significantly reduced the duration of acute diarrhea in children compared to placebo.
    • Link: PIDJ Study
  4. Primary Care in Germany
    • Journal: BMC Public Health (2005)
    • Authors: Witt CM, et al.
    • Summary: Homeopathic treatment in primary care resulted in better outcomes and fewer side effects for acute illnesses compared to conventional treatment.
    • Link: BMC Public Health Study
  5. Upper Respiratory Infections in Children
    • Journal: Global Pediatric Health (2014)
    • Authors: Bellavite P, et al.
    • Summary: Review supports homeopathy as a safe and effective alternative for symptomatic care of acute otitis media and upper respiratory infections in children.
    • Link: Global Pediatric Health Review

These studies provide evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating various acute conditions.

Acute Diseases Where Homeopathy Should Be Considered

Homeopathy can be highly effective in managing various acute conditions, including:

  • Viral Infections: Common colds, influenza, and viral gastroenteritis.
  • Respiratory Issues: Bronchitis, acute asthma exacerbations, sinusitis, and tonsillitis.
  • Gastrointestinal Complaints: Diarrhea, food poisoning, and acute gastritis.
  • Skin Conditions: Acute urticaria (hives), eczema flare-ups, and insect bites.
  • Musculoskeletal Problems: Acute sprains, strains, and injuries.

Acute Diseases Where Homeopathy Should Not Be Opted

While homeopathy is effective for many acute conditions, there are certain acute illnesses where it should not be the primary treatment, especially when immediate, life-saving interventions are required:

  1. Severe Trauma:
    • Example: Major accidents, fractures, or severe burns. Conventional emergency medicine and surgery are crucial in these cases to stabilize the patient and manage life-threatening injuries.
  2. Acute Heart Conditions:
    • Example: Heart attacks (myocardial infarction) or severe arrhythmias. These conditions require immediate medical intervention, including medications, and possibly surgical procedures.
  3. Severe Infections:
    • Example: Sepsis, bacterial meningitis, and other life-threatening infections that require prompt antibiotic treatment and intensive care.
  4. Acute Surgical Conditions:
    • Example: Appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, or any condition requiring emergency surgery. Delay in surgical intervention can lead to severe complications or death.
  5. Acute Severe Allergic Reactions:
    • Example: Anaphylaxis, where immediate administration of epinephrine (adrenaline) and emergency medical care are critical.


It’s essential for patients to trust homeopathic doctors to handle acute illnesses as well as chronic conditions. Homeopathy’s holistic approach ensures that both acute symptoms and underlying causes are addressed effectively, leading to better long-term health outcomes. The historical success of homeopathic hospitals in managing acute illnesses reinforces the capability of homeopathy in providing comprehensive care. By allowing homeopathic doctors to manage acute conditions, patients can benefit from a consistent and effective treatment plan that promotes overall well-being.

Homeopathy has a proven track record in managing a wide range of acute diseases effectively, as evidenced by historical data and clinical studies. However, it’s essential to recognize the limitations of homeopathy in acute medical emergencies where conventional medicine and surgical interventions are crucial for saving lives.